My own fina kit?


New member
Do any of you guys know what the solution they use in the fina kits is made of? I want to make my own fina but can't find out what the solution is. Please don't tell me to order a kit. I live in Canada and would really like to avoid the hassles of customs. Chemripped, if you would be so kind as to email me and let me know what your secret solution is I promise not to tell anyone ;)
you can use EverClear and Vegatable oil.. just make sure that you fitler the hell out of it and cook the final product.. one there was a link on Freak that had home paid fina kits and that's what they said to use.. personal i'd order the stuff because i din't think customs can do anything about a bottle of oil and alcohal with some pins in it.. but i'm not sure about canada laws.. here in the states there's nothing illegal about the kits...
the answer to your question is in the june muscle mag in the uncensored section. All it is, is benzyl alchohol and veg oil then use a filter. later bro