Heating to lower BA content


New member
Want to cut some of the alcohol out of my IP sust...how should I go about heating it to do this?

If you just want to lower th BA level in the vial, the following should do it.

Take a pin (any gauge will do) place it in the vial, but DO NOT put the pin in the solution. It should be between the top of the vial and the solution, midway. Take a small pan and place the vial in it and fill the pan with water, but do not let the water cover the top of the vial or the pin. Turn on the stove burner to medium/high and place the pan on the hot burner. You do not want to boil the water but you do want to get it very warm. The BA has a low boiling point and will evaporate and exit the vial through the pin in the top. 10-15 min is all it should take, about half way through you may want to use tongs ang pick up the vial and gently swirl or shake the solution to mix it a little. The place it back in the water for the remainder of the time. Remove the vial and let it cool.

You may also place the vial on a cookie sheet and place it in the oven for 10-15 min. Set the oven to 225-250 deg. F Be sure to remember to place a pin in the top if you are doing the over method. This will also get rid of some of the BA as well as kill most bacteria and such.

Hope this helps.
i cooked mine the same way bigger talking about but i cooked mine 3 times for 25mins and then warmed it before i shoot it.. held it under warm running water or put it in the microwave for 22 sec on med..