hernia surgery

hey on the serious side im not able to train right now im about to have hernia surgery . I need to know how long post surgery do i have to wait to start training , and what exercises to watch out for.
you need to be carefull after the surgery because you can get an hernia again....................carefull is never too much!
good luck bro and get well soon....what exactly does a hernia feel like??symptoms and what not??any help is greatly appreciated.
I too am scheduled for herina surgery next month.
What I am told you are looking at at least 6 weeks without lifting and when you do get back to the weights go light especially on the squats and ab workouts.
The surgeon told me to stay away from those ab machine like, the ab do'er (sp).
Hey bro, I just had hernia surgery on 5-30-02, for an Umbilical hernia that I have had for about 3 years. Anyway It's been a bitch tring to move around doing simple things, like sitting and standing. I was completly knocked out for my operation. They put a JP drain in to drain out blood and fluids. thats a bother to have to deal with. Anyway the MD said staples and the JP tube comes out on 6-6-02 and hopefuly back to work around the 17th or 20th of june. He did say NO LIFTIN for at lest 30 days. I don't know what kind of hernia you have but don't rush back to the gym before your MD advises, its not worth more time off. GOOD LuCK to you.ANy questions just ask...:cool:
...yeah i had one also...mine was an inguinal kind where you feel like you have a third nut...with those kind you have to get it taken care of quicklt because it can eventually "fall" into your sack and then shit becomes way fucked up...(your intestines can enter your sack)...mine was getting bad when i finally went to the doc...i was lifting again lightly a little after three weeks....good luck and get plenty of perks and shit for the first several days...