**'s winny tabs (with food?)


New member
I just want to know if you guys take the tabs with food or on an empty stomach? Just incorporated them into my cycle yesterday at 100mg/day and don't want to waste anything. I already know to "crash them in mouth." I'm taking one before my morning workout and one before my evening workout. Good idea?
that's what I figured. The reason I ask is because I do my morning cardio on an empty stomach. So would you recommend not taking one in the morning and wait to take it with food? Also, still split the dosages or take both together? thanks press.
hey bro,

Keep me posted with how your pills work out...didn't have much luck with mine last cycle, but may have been because I ran at lower dosages!

Good luck,
i take my ip winny one in the morning with food after i crush them in my mouth, then a secound dosage with dinner, working very well for me so far
hey frankbme. How long have you been taking them? What else are you taking with them? How long did it take for you to notice any results? thanks.