Ouch (the undestatement of the millenium)


New member
I have been working out seriously since 1998. I spend at least an hour to an hour and a half a day, five days a week at the gym. I have been extremely lucky when it comes to injury. I have never injured myself once. In fact I had never even seen someone get injured while working out. Until now.

I was at the gym yesterday doing an arm workout when I saw this guy doing reps of squats with 310lbs (I might be able to max out at 300 or so) and no spotter (he's a monster). I watched for a moment and thought "One of these days" and went back to my workout.

I see out of the corner of my eye that he has put more weight on (405lbs). I hear him straining to get the weight up. The next thing I know I hear a horrible snap, I hear weight hit the ground and a scream that would chill you to the bone. My head whips around to see whats happening. The poor guy is on his back on the floor so I look to see how badly he's hurt, and its bad. I run to call an ambulance and come back and the poor guy is still screaming and moaning.

Anyway, turns out all the muscles in both legs were torn from the bone, ligaments or tendons or something let go. One of his legs was detached at the knee, no knee cap to be seen or anything. The other leg was in a bit better shape but the knee cap was still on the side of his leg. It was a very disturbing sight.

The moral of the story? Please, I emplore you, when squatting drastic amounts of weight, use a spotter. I know from now on I will. This guy was in a few bodybuilding competitions and was one of the biggest men at the gym I go to. It could happen to anyone who is not careful enough.

I hope he gets well as soon as possible and I hope I never see or hear of anything else like this again, so please, take care and be attentive.
Would a spotter really have mattered in that situation? The guy is trying to squat the weight up, struggling sure, but if his ligaments and tendons decide it's time to disengage from his bones - I don't think there's shit anyone could do.
Was he in a squat rack?

Auriflex is right though. When the body says its time to close up shop, its time no matter who's around. I hate sqats to begin with, but now I'm gonna be paranoid.
What state are you from bro? That just happen to the guy at my gym about 2 weeks ago. By the way that is what happens when you take to much gear and you body can't handle the weight.
Yeah bro I would imagine that being an aweful site but like auri said I dont htink a spotter would have prevented this.
I agree, in all probability, it may have happened anyway. Spotter or not. I believe, however, the poor guy was REALLY straining to get that weight up there. Perhaps past the point where logic would tell you that your not getting that weight up there yourself.

I'm not from the states bro.