Are you hardcore???


New member
Gino's TOP 10 SIGNS
"you know you're HARDCORE when...."

10) the fina ranch (i mean 'cattle' ranch) and the
tunnel into mexico are just the tip of the iceberg
9) you no longer inject in the dark, sitting on the toilet,
w/ the phone off the hook
8 ) you divide-up sex into sets
7) you refuse to use anti-estrogens b/c you're
convinced periods build character
6) you frame your 'good' liver results
5) you rat yourself out just to have more time w/ the weights (in prison)
4) you swear that you heard 'test enanthate' in sunday mass
3) you wear wrist straps while masturbating
2) you only buy vials w/ horses, bulls, and elephants
on the labels
and the # 1

1) you name your children 'cyp, tren, and winny'
no youre hard core when you have 10k calls a day and are still wondering if you ate enough, no am i shrinking in this xxxxxxxxxxxl tank top