GH advice needed


New member
Currently taking 4 IU's 4 on, 3 off.

Couple of questions:

Is 4 on, 3 program or would it be better 5 on, 2 off.

How long is GH good for once it is reconstituted? I heard that it will last longer in Bacteriostatic Water versus Sterile. Any advice?

I've been running 4 IU's all at once. Would it be better to divide the doses or does it matter?

Finally, the mother of all stupid questions, what the hell constitutes 4IU's? I was told if I draw up to the 20 unit line on the insulin syringe that it is the equivalent to 4IU's. But I question the expertise of the person telling me. Please advise.

Couple answers off the top of my head. 5/2 seems to be more common. GH I believe last 14 days after it is reconstituted. I'm sure others will chime in on the others.
Bacteriostatic water is better if you can get it, if not, no biggie.
forget all about the IU's on a slin dart, just think of them as 1/100th's of a ML. so if your using somethign like serono, which is 18iu's per ml, you'd need 1/2 ML TO GET 9IU RIGHT, OR 50/100TH'S.
Insulin Pin

Thanks, but I running it with an insulin pin so if anyone knows what how many units constitute 4 IU's on an insulin pin I would sure appreciate it.

Is it as simple as 4 units equals 4 IU's? Please advise.
An insulin syringe is marked so that 10U=0.1ml if your measuring insulin. See,an IU is not really a measurement of's more of a standardization that applies to that particular biochemical compound. In other words 10IU of insulin is not the same volume as 10 IU of HGH....or 10 IU's of IGF-1.....
Now that said,when they standardized insulin they kept it simple so that a 1 cc dart would hold 100 IU's...(10IU in 0.1ml)....(1unit in 0.01ml).....
For Serno HGH when you reconstitute you have 18IU's/1cc...1.8IU per 0.1ml......0.18IU's in 0.01ml............So,in your case drawing to the 20 line (0.2ml) gives you 3.6IU's of HGH.