any ideas?


hi im new to this board. I was hoping to be examined my helpful eyes .Im 30 , I weight 220 @ 15% bf I eat 6-8 times a day 40-80-? on the low 60 -150-? I dont watch th e fat. I train hard in 6 rep range, I dont sleep well I m currantly on 1200 mg test and 5 d boll 10 mg a day. My weight goes up and down from 215 -220, my behavior is horrible at times ?cortisol?to high?I work costruction (hard work).My h20 intake is bad. I want to weight 250-265 15 %bf how long does it take to get there . A year and a half ago I was 185 18% bf. Any help would be helpful.How do you all sleep?
on my left side.. sorry bro couldn't help that one..

welcome to the board

i have no problems sleeping..are you taking any ECA, Clen, etc etc???