Nile Sust250 Amps.


New member
I have studied enough about injecting to be comfortable with it. The only problem is that all of the information I've found says "pierce the top of the amp with the needle and inject the appropriate amount of air into the amp".

What about if your using an amp that doesn't have the piercable rubber? Do you just snap it off, stick the pin down there and try to draw it up? Does this type of amp leave you susceptible to drawing more air into the syringe?

Any hints, tips, or advice on dealing with these amps would be greatly appreciated.

Yea, obviously, if you're using an amp, you have to break the top off before you can get to the juice. They make a tool to open amps with, but I just carefully break the top off with pliers when I use them. One suggestion: Get extra needles when you order your pins and use one needle to draw it into the syringe, then hold the syringe upright (needle up) and unscrew and replace the needle with a new one. Then draw air in, thump the syringe a few times to get air bubbles up to the top, and push the air out until there is a little drip of juice at the end of the needle. Then you're ready to inject and with a fresh, sharp pin and no air in the syringe. I like to use a different needle to draw and inject whether using amps or the rubber-sealed multi-dose bottles. This way, you always stick yourself with a new pin that's as sharp as possible.
I'm a big fan of using 2 pins as well to keep them sharp. With glass amps, sometimes people take a jagged edged knife or mini saw and scribe a cut on the neck of the amp to encourage it to break at that point. I don't bother anymore though. BUT I do wrap some toilet papar and grab the top of the amp and break it off because it shatters 40% of the time for me. And you don't need that glass in your fingers!
maxgyver... definitely 2 pins... seriously.. you don't want to dullen the pin by scraping it on the sides of the glass... especially if you don't use a drawing pin (like an 18g or something).. so draw it up fast.. by all means... use 2 pins... so that you are guaranteed a sharp pin or else you'll feel it... it's not unbearable.. just uncomfortable.