HCG dose deliveries


New member
Since this is a female hormone, males do not need large doses. Wouldn't it make better sense to use this like we use HGH? Instead of wacking all 5000 IUs at once, why not take 1000 IUs a day divided into 5, 200 IU doses (every third day for 18 days).
You should be on it no more than 20 days at a dose of 1500iu/day. The most effective method is spreading this throughout the day at 150iu every 2 hours. Taking too much can cause gyno and actually suppress gonadic activity
yes, its important to use the lowest shortest effective dose. people need to realize that large infrequent doses are far from optimal, and can very easily desensitize the leydig cells(something you DONT want to happen)
In LH deficent males,the standard for the management of
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism resulting from pituitary deficiency ,(a condition that would mimin AAS HPTA suppression) the following dosage regimens have been suggested: 500—1000 USP units 3 times weekly for 3 weeks, followed by the same dose 2 times weekly for 3 weeks