Training Question


New member
My workout partner and I have been experimenting with a couple of training techniques and I have a question. After doing a couple of sets with really strict movement and being careful to keep good form we will add more weight to the point that we have to cheat a little to finish the set. Is this ok or should we stick to lower weights and concentrate on form? Our intention in doing this is to help increase strength although strength is not our number one goal but packing on size is. What's your thoughts on this? oh.. also we have added drop sets to finish off mostly on the core exercises.

That sounds exactly like how I do my workouts - keep strict form for as long as possible, cheat a little when needed as long as you're still doing most of the work with the muscle you're working, and finish with drop sets till it burns so bad you feel like curling up in the fetal position and crying like a girl :)

However, through experience I've found that what works best for me is to recognize when I'm in a rut and to move away from these base ideas for a while. I'm talking negatives, lower or higher reps, more sets, changing your split, switching between dumbbell/barbell/machine, isokinetic exercises, etc. Changes like this seem to be when I get the most soreness and progress.

I always end up coming back to the fundamental ideas you described though.

Great, Thanks 46. We are getting some good results from it so far and I wanted to make sure the cheating wouldn't hurt our progress.

ZZZOOM right. Your body adapts very quickly to certain exercise so to keep it stimulated, always change things up a little to try and shock your body. It is the best way to add size.