
New member
Has anybody ever tried HIT training. Does it work? Also I was reading about a training kind of like it that you work out each body part 3 times over a 9 day period. You only do one exercise for that body part. You work 4 or so body parts ED. Then do diffrent body parts the next day. Then take a day break and do it again. Just having diffrent exercised on diffrent days.

...i probably read the same thing you did...never tried either "method" tho was thinking of trying a HIT like appraoch, just as a change of pace since i have been OFF for awhile...i think a lot of the principles in HIT are great esp maximum recovery...people just do not want to break from the norm and seeing some w-outs that have you training 2-3 times/week do not seem to inviting...the one approach you mentioned working out each BP 3X a week is interesting with the whole rest/pause technique...he makes it sound so great...who knows until you try it like everything else right?...trial and error... ;)...let me know if you try it...
I think it's really good. I have problems however, as lots of people so I have heard, when it comes to doing just negatives, since I am usually alone in the gym and I don't have a spotter.
But I did something similar a couple a years back, and it gave me good gains.
I have been doing it for the past 6 weeks...clean no juice and it has worked quite well for me although you need a spotter in my opinion to achieve true failure..but I like it..strong as hell...for me anyway.
not enought time to grow ....even if you only do one exersize . it takes time to grow ......one muscle group a day 6days a week,sunday off ( give it to god he gave you everything you have) for maximum growth.....

if your training to bulk (sorry you may be tring to cut)3 times a week will work but one exercize will not do.........sounds like Richard Simons work .......or Jane Fonda........this is not a Flame

I just bumped this for someone that asked about this workout in another post. I tried it and did not like it. It was cool doing diffrent bodyparts each exercise. My GF spots me and if I go to failure and then try to do a negative on things like barbell bench she can not help spot. It was just not enough for me. Maybe it works for some, just not me.
I think it's real great for starting out. I did it for the first 2 years I ever trained and it worked out great. Can't really say it still helps now.
I dont do it all the time...I like to vary the way I train every 3 months or so ,so my body does not get stuck in the same routine...But I like it and will continue to use it for another 6 weeks until I start my cycle and I will change up again.