which is better: Liquidex or Nolvadex?


New member
Hi all,

I know this is a rather broad question, but which is better, Liquidex or Nolvadex?

Vets, mods, please help!

Thanks for all the great feedback. Peace and happy juicein' to all!

Ziggy B
i have read in several places that Nolva is better all around as a cerian amount of estrogen is necessary for the body--for heart health, cholesterol levels, and endurance.

Estrogen is of course an anabolic hormone as well.

I am wondering then if Nolva is better because it doesn't eliminate estrogen, rather, it mitgates its negative effects...hmmm...need more input....anyone?

Oh yeah, I have been in University doing research since 1991.

The army for me is just a part-time gig. I forgot that only the people on fitnessboard know that I am actually a graduate student.
liquidex usually, but they each have a specific purpose. theres not a 1 is better, they dont work in the same way.

but for almost all cycles liquidex is best, but in a few circustances having some nolva on hand just in case is good. it depends what your cycle is and what sides bother you.
yeah that is tru both serve thier own purpose once i test has already converted to estrogen the liquidex wont help but nol will it will compete for the receptors. if u are doing a very adrogenic cycle which includes dbol, test. then do liq and nol. i even like to add proviron to completely fuk with the water retention.
I'm using nolvadex right now and I'm not real happy with it's anti-bloating-effect. I'm doing a very mild cycle and I have a serious bloat. Maybe I'm just prone to getting that, I don't know.
We shall see.. I'm gonna switch over tomorrow to a low carb diet for the last 3 wks of my cycle and I'll see how the bloat will be...

1mg/ml x 30ml Aqua-Dex is a powerful anti-estrogen and Aromatase Inhibitor.

Aqua-Dex blocks the aromatase enzyme responsible for the production of estrogen. By inhibiting the aromatase process, Aqua-Dex lowers estrogen levels in the body. This is what make Aqua-Dex a favorite among Athletes and Bodybuilders in particular for its ability to eliminate water retention and bloating while hardening the body!

Similar Key Words: Arimidex, Anastrozole, AI (aromatase inhibitor), Lower Estrogen Levels, Post Cycle Therapy, PCT, On Cycle Therapy