Please evaluate Cycle! Lookin to get huge and strong!


New member
Sustanon 250 (500mg /Week (Weeks 1-10)
DECA DURABOLIN (400mg /Week (Weeks 1-10)
Dbol "oral" (50mg /ED (Weeks 1-4)
Winstrol "oral" (50mg /ED (Weeks 9-12)

HCG (500IU /ED (Week 5-6,9-10)

Clomid (300mg for 3 days, 150 mg 4 days then 50 mg for 7 days)
"Start clomid 3 weeks after your last shot"

Take clomid before Bed

Also If this is a good setup how should I Cycle this throughout the year! 10on 10off?

Also If I way 200lbs at 5'10"! 15% BF How should My diet be?

Any recomendations to this cycle or tips?


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Your cycle looks good, nice and simple. Take in at least 300-350g of protein/day. I advise eating clean and eating ALOT. You can get away with eating anything in sight, but you'll end up with a bit more fat to work on in your cutting cycle. For that bodyweight, I'd say about 4,000 cals/day of good clean eating will do wonders for your size and strength. I'd train 5 days/week and hit each bodypart 1x. 10 on / 10 off sounds good too. Good luck and keep us posted.
Looks good. I don't like to use Sustenon anymore because of the price and esters. I prefer to go with Test Enanthate.\
Hcg is a personal choice. It HURTS to inject but you have the timing at the right spots.
I'm not a fan of repeating the same cycles. I can't explain why but just from things that I have read.
not really a big deal but

...i m with MacGyver about doing the same gear twice in a row(sustanon, you took that last cycle right?)...its not bad to at all, but i just would switch up at least the test and try a single ester...up to you of course, but maybe cyp, prop,enat,...whatever bro, just something to consider...good luck
sust ya! wow you rememberd

thats scarry! lol

Test ethannate huh..

May give it a try? how much a week?

switch the d boll for droll and toss the winnie orals, put fina and eq in the end.

front load the anadrols and some test suspension.
Dude, trust me on this one: Get enough nolvadex for every day of your cycle. Once the BTs start, you're fucked. Unless you are a long time juicer with a lot of androgenic cycles under your belt, you will get gyno symptoms with that cycle.

I didn't do half as much as you and started getting gyno.

Dbol causes gyno
Sust causes gyno
deca causes progesterone gyno

winstrol lessens water retention but will do nothign for BTs.

Nolvadex is cheap. You may not need it, but play it safe and get it anyways.

BTW, it is better post cycle for bringing back test than clomid. Read the research. I will say thoough that I use clomid post cycle, only because I run nolvadex through my cycles, and I want a different anti-e to shock the test back quicker.

Looks great I rotate test esters through the year also as I think it helps with receptor (attenuation excuse the spelling) As long as you run ldex at .50mg ed through the dbol sides should be minimal then back off to .25 when your done with the d-bol. And if your worried about progesterone induced gyno you can always pick up bromocriptine and use 2.5mg a day. Most people I know have not had progesterone induced gyno unless they were useing in excess of 800mg a week decca or mixing it with tren. Also a good idea to have some nolva around just in case.
Just my .02
Looks good. THat amount of gear should do wonders.
Just train your ass off. That's how you take advantage of the drugs. You're basically cramming a year's worth of training into these 10 weeks... make them count. LIsten to your body at all times, too.
It's gonna be one heck of a ride!
yeah bro your cycle is nice and simple, since u are 15BF EAT A CLEAN DIET WITH HIGH PROtien and moderate carbs also do some cardio so u dont gain fat u can gain lean muscle of that cycle.