Any good Bro know how long it takes valium to get out of your system??


New member
:confused: Lookin' at a possible urine test next week and need to know if I need to quit taking it now??A good reason to invest in some MC supplements.Presser,if you run across this what IS your most potent sleep enhancer.I saw several listed........:)
Haven't taken valiums but I found this on the net. Don't know if it is correct or not but will give you an idea.

Drug Detection Time
Benzodiazepines 3-7 days
Drug Approximate Detection Time in Urine using EMIT
- ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

Amphetamines 2-4 days
Short-Acting (ie. secobarbital) 1 day
Long-Acting (ie. phenobarbital) 2-3 weeks
Benzodiazepines 3-7 days
Cannabinoids 3-30 days
Clenbuterol [PE] 2-4 days [F1]
Cocaine 2-4 days
Codeine 2-5 days
Euphorics (MDMA,psilocybin) 1-3 days [F2]
LSD 1-4 days [F6]
Methadone 3-5 days
Methaqualone 14 days
Nicotine ? [F5]
Opiates 2-4 days
Peptide hormones [PE] undetectable
Phencyclidine (PCP) 2-4 days [F4]
Phenobarbital 10-20 days
Propoxyphene 6 hours to 2 days
Steroids (anabolic) [PE] oral: 14 days [F3]
parenterally: 1 month [F3]

[PE] Performance Enhancers

[F1] 0.5 ng/mL by GC/MS
[F2] By RIA and GC/MS only. Not Detectable by EMIT.
[F3] By HPLC, RIA, and GC/MS. Not Detectable by EMIT.
[F4] 8-14 days as was reported in earlier versions and was incorrect.
[F5] No data available yet. I expect the detection time to be long because
nicotine is fat soluble.
[F6] Detectable by EMIT and RIA, but rarely tested. A lab will only test for
LSD when specifically requested.
Note: Detection times vary depending on analytical method used, drug
metabolism, tolerance, patient's condition, fluid intake and method and
frequency of ingestion. These are general guidelines only.
Good info MacGyver.
Basically the answer depends on usage. Since it sounds like you take them every night, your clearance time will be at the high end of that range - 7 days or so. If a person was to just take one every now and then it would tend to clear much quicker. By the way, they may or may not test for Benzodiazepines.
I would say they do test for Benzodiazepines. Most companies use a five step test and that is one of the things tested for.
Of the benzodiazepams ,Valium has one of the longest half lifes,it may be detected 2-3 weeks on a sensitive test. Keep your urine on the dilute side.
The last test I took was a 3-step, only tested for PCP, amphetamines, and THC, or something like that. Pretty sure it didn't test for benzos.
Drink plenty of water between now and then, you should be OK.
Hear ya Dent.Thanks silent and everyone.

:D MacGver,Whoa!Info overload.LOL.I stopped taking(it sucks!@) them and will have over 7 days to clear and will keep urine on the weak side just to be safe!I really need to try the Liquid Relaxation,just to stay on the safe side.What is your turn around time on that Presser.Is it in stock??Order will probably be out pronto.......:)