Which would you use


New member
ttokkyo's test enant or Aratest by Aranda. I figure that since ttokkyo barely came out with it there is less chance of getting a fake. However, I have been told Aratest is very good quality and cheaper than ttokkyo. What is your view on this bros?
...never did aratest and havent tried the TT enathate, but i would choose the ena over ara...but heres a bumpy...
Well I believe Aratest has 200mg of ETH and 50mg Prop. If you aren't going to go EOD with the Aratest to take advantage of the prop, then go with the enathate.
I dont like ttokkyo test any of it

go whith the ara , but first do a search on the many boards and find out which lot ## are fake or bad then ask the source for the ## and you know the rest.
En or Cyp (if you can scrounge some 10ml multi from Goldline).
Don't care for the prop., but at least its Test!