Eating for mass


New member
I have been lifting wieghts now for a little over 4 years, but never put much thought into my diet. Lately I have been adding more meals into my daily schedule but I can't seem to want to eat enough. I wiegh around 140 I am 28 yrs old 5'5 and have little body fat.I workout every other day. I eat a small postworkout meal and a shake or some concoction after workout. My meals usually consist of breakfest around 6 am peanutbutter sandwich glass of tea or three boiled eggs and juice then around 9 am I eat a sandwich turkey, beef,tuna, or pb and a glass of milk 12 noon another sandwich maby a snack( junkfood usually) 3 pm another snack 4:30 whatever is around the house pasta chile ect then around 7 to 8 pm another snack I have a hard time gaining wieght I know my diet probably sucks anyone got any sugestions. I would really appreciate some professional advice I am on a budget I am married and have kids so I can't really buy 200 dollars worth of groceries a week Is there a sensible approach I can take to my situation or am I doomed to be puny my whole life Thanks 4 ur time
yeah bro, U have a very fast metabolism, just like me (hardgainer- hard to gain weight) You need to add more protien to that diet, that is not enough. Also get some weight gainer like n-large2 it is good for hardgainers and doesnt taste all that bad. More protien doesnt really mean that you need to spend more money, I can buy 4 chicken breast at my grocery for $1.30. everytime you eat, take in at least 50g of protein each meal, the theory about your body can only handle 35g at a time is bullshit. try taking the weight gainer once a day, if you are not getting bigger in 6 weeks, bump it up to twice a day, etc...... when you start getting fatter, cut back on the calories, that means you are eating more than enough calories to get big. keep us posted ! Good luck!
If you don't want to spent much money than eat up on the tuna. A can of tuna contains 26% protein which is high for real food. It's also pretty cheap. I also eat lots of canned mackerel in tomato sauce between bread. Also cheap and also good source of protein and essential fats.
I like cheese a lot, but that's very fat. Although that should provide with some colaries since you are not eatong enough.
Don't overdo it on milk and eggs. They're low on portein and high in fat.
you have to eat alot to get big

set a eating plan that makes you full to the rim every meal 2g potien ppobw, and about 5oo carbs for youre body weight to start and gradualy increase it . YOu eat evrything add snack like cake and goodies , i know some wont agree whith that but if you want to get bigger you need to do just that whith some fat on you youll push more weight up thus get bigger.Any ?? pm me ill help you Ive been lighter now im 235 15%bf which is big I started at 185, pm me to talk about deit to gain.
I finished highscholl at 5'11" and 135lbs. I also trained for about 5 years and made decent gains strenght wise but not too much on the scale. Now I am 190lbs.
If there is one thing that I have learned it is this...."Just when you think you have eaten enough, you haven't."
Here's some quick advice:

-Take in 140G of protein per day
-Eat 8 eggs (but only 1 yolk) and 1/2Cup of oatmeal for a cheap breakfast
-Eat a 6-8oz peice of grilled chicken breast, 1.5Cups of rice and 1C of lima beans for an inexpensive lunch
-Eat an 8oz Flank steak, a baked potato and 1C of broccoli for an inexpensive dinner
-Take in 2 protein shakes per day at roughly 50G of protein each (take Presser's advice above)
-Put olive oil on your rice, potatoes, pasta and veggies to take in good quality fats.

That's the cheapest way I can think of. You need to eat more and train as heavy as you can 4-5 days/week to get your muscles into building mode. Good luck and be sure to keep us posted on your progress!