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someone was telling me that long duration usage of creatine is bad for the kidneys.i've been taking it almost non-stop for at least a year.
i've found that if i stop,my streangth goes to hell.what is the rule on this?is it necessary to cycle creatine?i really don't want to stop taking it.
There really just isn't a real answer to that. They are SUGGESTING that perhaps long term use of creatine can cause stress on the kidneys and kidney stones. I believe there is no evidence that this is true, just speculation at this point. Because look at it this way...creatine supplements haven't been around long enough to measure real long term use. So how can we know yet??
I think it is always good to cycle everything that we take in excess dosages. But yet here I am on a four month cycle!
If you eat plenty of red meat, it's just like taking creatine. I personally cycle it, mostly because I don't use it during cutting and it's fucking expensive to do yearround! But I would think staying on it wouldn't hurt. Everything I've seen on creatine causing kidney damage relates to people with pre-existing kidney disorders. As long as you buy from a reputable source (meaning you're not getting other potentially harmful junk mixed in) and you drink plenty of water, you should be fine.