ALA with injectables or just orals?


New member
I plan on doing 1500mg ed ALA and 1500 mg ed Milk Thistle during dbol for the first four weeks of my cycle.

Do I need to do it after the orals are finished? And if so, do I still need to do 1500mg ed?

Ok....somebody has to ask this so it might aswell be me. Is D-bol the only thing you are doing in your cycle?
No. I will be starting the following next week:

1-4 dbol 35mg ed
1-12 enanthate 600mg wk
1-12 eq 400mg wk
1-12 deca 200mg wk

ALA 1500mg ed
Milk Thistle 1500mg ed
Multi vitamins ed
Creatine 10mg ed
Glutamine 20mg ed
liquidex .25 or .5 ed
Nolvadex 10 or 20mg ed

And by the way. I went to fitnessboard and did a search on ALA in the supplement forum. Now I am convince that it probably would not be a bad idea to take all year round. So, my new question is about dosage only. If I take ALA all year round, what doses should I take depending on wheather I am on or off cycle? And on or off orals at the time.

If you were to use 500-1000 mg daily after the orals it would not hurt. If 1000 mg is too much $$$$$ .....then 500 mg will do fine.
Im not sure if you need that year round unless you plan to cycle year round. Maybe its best to cycle everything
OK. How about this. I will take 1500mg ed while on oral AS. I will take 1000mg ed while on injectable AS. And I will take 500mg ed while off cycle. :D:D:D
its personal preference bro there is no one correct answer to this question unless some posts a study effects of different juices on the liver