My .02 on the ordeal....


New member
Personally I think that most people who are involved in running these discussion boards are all in in for one thing...the benjamins. And I think we all know that and can probably agree that there is nothing wrong with a brotha trying to make some money. But the bottom line is that sometimes people get greedy and decide to make some moves that will help them cash in. I just think that when you represent a source you are representing yourself. By allowing someone to do business at your "shop" you are giving them your approval. As a member I expect that someone won't steer me wrong and no one ever did at FB. I had success here aswell until I used the same man that dream used. And guess what, I completely agree with dream...we are all in this together, source and individual. If you are legit you will be honest with your customers and they will respect you for that fact alone. In this game we only have eachother. I don't mean to offedn anyone and if I have I appologize in advance. I just hope we can all realize this and maybe certain sources will decide to be upfront and maybe we will choose better sources to represent this board next time.

Could someone interupt this message for me, I never passed my Hooked on Phonics course??
"And guess what, I completely agree with dream" About what which thread did you see him talking about a source....
I'm lost here?
I'm not following either.

Anyway IMHO 95% of all sources will eventualy turn sour or get busted. They all get greedy at one point one day!
I think he's talking about a post i made over on FB, it basically said that in this game we play we all take chances and when we do so their is ALWAYS the chance of getting burned by a source, you have to remember when buying illegal drugs from unknown individuals you always take a risk........
Oh.... I wonder how he though we would all know that..
Thanks Dream