Cottage Cheese, .... Low fat, or No fat?

The nofat tastes like crap. You'll have to put so much fruit and other shit just to stomach it that in addition to its already increased carb content, you might as well eat a bowl of frankenberry
when i read it they looked almost the same to me except the fat was more of course.there is a little difference in sat fat.......i think lowfat has 1.5 g sat fat and the no fat had none.

i mix mine with my tuna like this.....

2.lite mayo
3.1/4 cup cottage cheese hot sauce and tony chacerees spice:D
5.crumbled up unsalted crackers.

mix up in a little ball and enjoy.:D
Check the sodium in the no fat compared to the low fat as well. The no fat is loaded while the low fat usually has about half as much. Not a good thing to have while trying to cut up.