
New member
As most of you know I am the poster child for having good insurance. I am up to almost $30,000 in covered expenses already. I am going to see an endocrinologist to see whats up with my chest. I am on nothing and have been on nothing for over 3 months and I think my boobs are going from an "A" cup to "B" land. Anyway hopefully we can work the system and get some free gyno surgery or at least get insurance to pick up some of it.
Also just a note to all the people who say how bad juice is for you. ALL of my bloodwork that i got done when I was ill back in May came back excellent.All kidney/liver enzymes were well withing normal range. I was still on Tren/Prop at the time. I did not however get my cholesterol checked at that time.

I am going to have to postpone my cycle until i play "mr innocent" at the endo's office. Going in there all jacked up isn't going to do me any good in his eyes. Any ideas on BS i can feed him to make them open me up for inspection (ie free gyno surgery?).........456
maybe say that this has been a problem since puberty? That is when I believe most cases occur naturally. And say it is painful at times. Like when you go joggin for instance. Lol
WTF? You mean your boobies have been growing STILL the last 3 months? Is it mainly under your nipple or over the whole "breast"? Best of luck MR - shit it seems if it ain't one thing with you its another.
Some of it is fat but I kinda got it in my docs head that it came on because of the heavy Prednisone treatments. I told him they were competing with my natural Test production and they were winning and thats why I was getting a nice rack:D He would look good mounted on my wall...lol:D Wish me luck fellas....
Oh and Macguyver...if I say its from puberty then the insurance won't even think about picking it up. But if I can convince them it has been from heavy prescription drugs then maybe they will.........456
be honest

doctors are like gods they know when youre lieing, its not a big deal tons of guys get the surgery every day.my buddy got one and he had some big tits, its about the cost of breast implants on the cheap end . Dont lie tell the doc the truth dont worry he wont rat you!! Good luck and if youre in the tri state area I can recomend a great surgen , pm me!
Well, maybe that wont will you any points compared to the truth. Maybe you could tell him you dont know what its from.
Re: be honest

spankie said:
doctors are like gods they know when youre lieing, its not a big deal tons of guys get the surgery every day.my buddy got one and he had some big tits, its about the cost of breast implants on the cheap end . Dont lie tell the doc the truth dont worry he wont rat you!! Good luck and if youre in the tri state area I can recomend a great surgen , pm me!

I dissagree. Never discuss your AAS usage with your doc. If you do and he happens to write it in your file you're screwed. Keep in mind that insurance companies have acess to them. Med records aren't as private as you would belive. Besides most doctors that I have gone to would point at AAS for almost every future medical problem that you have rather than looking further into it.
mr456,I'd go with the story that it's painful/tender and play dumb as to the etiology(cause),let the Doc figure that one out himself and don't admit to AAS at all,if you want to head that direction,maybe admit to some heavy Andro intake,that keeps things legal for you. The pain is the difference between them classifying this as necessary vs cosmetic in the eyes of insurance.
when you got insurance you probably signed a release to let them see your records.. never tell the doc what your doing he will write it in your file.. if you go for life insurance you also sign a realease to let them see your records. If you must tell the doc find a new one and pay out of pocket so there is no paper trail for them to follow to your records... its like lawyers ..even if your guilty tell them your innocent.. they will work harder for you :)
Deca.....you kinda typed my thoughts exactly. My doc referred me to the Endo because i told him it was puffy and painful:D oh well...I have been payin insurance for 14 years..time to get some back........456