Here is my supplememntal? look good?


New member
Milk thistle (Silymarin) 200mg 2/day

Evening Primrose Oil 10-15 Grams /day

Artichoke Leaf 500mg extract a day

Vitamin E 400 IU 2x Day

Vitamin C 1000mg 3x Day

ALA 200 MG day 3x Day


Also What does the EPO do for me.. Read it was good during cycle but not sure why? Dosages look alright?


Sustanon 250 (500mg /Week (Weeks 1-10)
DECA DURABOLIN (400mg /Week (Weeks 1-10)
Dbol "oral" (50mg /ED (Weeks 1-4)
Winstrol "oral" (50mg /ED (Weeks 9-12)

HCG (500IU /ED (Week 5-6,9-10)

I'd up the ALA to at least 1,000-1,500 mgs/day, into two doses afer the meals with the highest amts of carbs. Looks good otherwise.

bump for the answer to the rose ?

Youd prob get a better answer from the pro's but EPO increases you red blood cell count. Great for endurance atheletes. If all you are doing is lifting weights, not sure if you really need it.
As far as the primrose oil, you need a couple of different essential fatty acids. Look for omega 3,6,and 9. I would go with a blend with fish oils, primrose, and vit E. Twinlab makes a good one.