this is how messed up things are-my rant


New member
has anyone really given thought on why steroids are illegal? i believe that it has to do with the fact that drug companies lobby and donate to congress, forcing congress to want us to be fat, sick people

now hear me out
congressional reps have too much money to lose if the drug companies lose money--so by making it illegal to have drugs that, when used in moderation, can help the human body
we have the technology to cure anything--and this is scientific fact--but the problem is that when we get close to a cure funding gets cut--and who cuts it--congress--WHY--because the drug companies stand to loose a shitload of cash
the drug companies make more when we consume more--and being sick makes you consume more drugs
andro is a great example--the drug companies are scared of andro because it has the same effect on you as a steroid--not the physical but the mental--when your on you eat right, take care of yourself, make sure your healthy--am i right
from personal experience--since i added weight training to my routine on a regular basis about 7 yrs ago-- i can't remember the last time i was seriously sick--apart from asprine to help with headaches and lowgrade fevers from being out in the cold thats it--when i had plurasy 7 yrs ago was the last time i was bed ridden sick
drug companies loose money on healthy people and steroids/hgh help to create positive nitrogen balances, strength, youthful healthy people--so the drug companies are the enemy
it all boils down to money--and who ever has the most makes the rules--thats why my signature is what it is--maybe we can change the rules

**sorry about this guys--i just needed to rant
That is all our goverment is about. Money hungry. I have heard before that they probably have a cure for cancer, but if they were to use it or let it out they would loose tons of money on all the other scripts for cancer patients. And to think we elect these people. Most people just see the world in one way and fail to realize and see all the things going on behind the scenes. What I have never understood is why they make something that you use on yourself illegal. I can see drugs that some people use and get screwed up and kill people while they are one, but steroids wont hurt others. The same thing as why do they make a law that says you have to wear your seatbelt. I wear mine, but if you paid thousands of dollars for your car you should be able to do what you want in it. You are not hurting anyone but yourself. I can see a seatbelt law for underage, but not adults.
And to think. They just passed a law this year in Texas saying that you can not have an open alcohol container in your car. Used to you could get pulled over and have an open beer bottle in the car and nothing could be done about it. I am the first to say I have drank plenty of times and driven out of stupidity (I dont anymore). Now how many people die from drunk drivers compared to AS users. How many people die from nicotine compared to AS users. And the only reason texas passed the law is so that they would get more federal money for highways.
You might want to look at it the other way. I mean this is America, the government is supposed to be us! It’s our fault (our; as in Americans, not as in bodybuilders) !

The reason steroids are illegal (in this view) is because nobody can/will take financial responsibility for it.

Like this: Some 17 year old hurts himself with AS. His mom sues. She sues his doctors, she sues the pharmacy, she sues the drug companies, and then she sues the government. All these people have to cover their asses, and they’d really rather not deal with it. So, their easy solution is to just make the whole thing illegal.

They have to go through the motions of enforcing this law (so the mothers won’t get too noisy). But, if you don’t rub their (the cops, judges, etc.) noses in it, they don’t really give a shit what we do.

Now, tell me. Is this a fit with the current situation or not?

You can use this argument for lots of things. Drugs, seatbelts, etc.
Except cigarettes. That’s the big exception.

and this thing: "... to do with the fact that drug companies lobby and donate to congress, forcing congress to want us to be fat, sick people" That's just paraniod.
The health insurance companies want us to be healthy, so they can save money, and they lobby too! I hope they hammer 'big tobacco' someday.
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