Anyone ever notice his voice change?


New member
I've never heard anyone talk about this before, but, has anyone who's done a cycle for 6 weeks or longer ever notice a change in their voice? I'm curious if guys doing medium to longer cycles experience any type of drop in their voice.
Well test is what causes male characteristics in puberty, hair, muscular growth, and deepening of voice. Would seem to make sense this would happen. Hell just listen to someone women on test.
Yeah, that's why I ask -- because Test is responsible for that. I'm more curious about the effects on males in voice, as opposed to females. Has any bro's noticed a change in their voice at any time?
i dont think it will deepen the voice after you go through puberty, i really havent noticed any deepening.
ZZ4-Tundra said:
Is this why your voice is deeper in the morning, due to the natural test. spike?

Nah, those test spikes like that in the morning don't affect your voice. You'd need a consitent high(er) level of testosterone in order for your body to react to it and form physical changes (voice).

The reason I'm asking about this is because I'm a tenor voice. I sing, and really wonder now if doing a common test cycle would effect my voice in the end.
Never noticed a change. I even thought that since the cartilage around the voice box is fully matured at puberty, there shouldnt be any changes even despite spikes in GH or test but the guys prove me wrong.