prop or fina???? whats best???


New member
guys i am on fina ed rite now 75mg ed. and prop 150eod. i am even taking bromo criptine but i a scared of the fina gyno. so what do u think id better. 100mgs of prop ed or 75mgs of fina ed. in my opinion i think its the prop that is better cuz atleast the sideeffects can be controlled. but for fina it is trippy. so all u guys post your opinion.
DecaDent* said:
I say take both and don't worry so much.

u are a one crazy mothafuka i know. but i really am scared of the fina gyno. that shit trips me out. and i cannot even tell if my nipps are sore cuz my whole peck is sore cuz i did chest workout yesterday.

so can some one tell me what is the best way to detect gyno problem.
koo well i will run fina for one more week then drop it. may be i might put the fina back in my cycle for the cutting at the end for a few weeks.
Ecfatcat said:
run it together add some winny it suposta be bomb

i have 1.5week left for bulking after that i will just start my cutting with prop ed, i might move fina to eod and 400mg-600mg of eq. also i will do 50mg winny eod until gone i have 25 amps.
sounds like your on your way take some pics before you make the change I here tren with test and winny will be nasty really quick ...very noticeable