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- do you know - ?

Ok, you know how I asked for help on getting rid of my pimples on my back and my chest. Well, I also took care of it..I am going taning every day now...it seems they're sowly going away which is great. But, is there anything that can help on my forehead. I'm having few pimples on my forehead and near my jaw... what can I take to eliminate them..anything fast acting..like for emergency situations.... thanks,...
lmao.. nice one smart ass.. I thought it was sillie to.. but over the counter pimple cream as well as the freakin stuff from the dermatologist was not working.. an older woman at work kept saying try it ..so I did and 2days later..puff..gone:p
ok I know this might sound a little strange but here is something that might work WASH YOUR ASS if you keep you skin clean then they will not be as noticeable but the tanning works too I tan 2 to 3 times a week