how many of you have actually lost fat during a bulking cycle?


New member
My fall bulking cycle is starting soon. I am a bit overweight right now however. I think I went from 15 to 17-18 % in the last month. If I go on a bulking cycle and gain even more fat, I'll end up looking terrible. Probably very big, but still terrible.

Is it possible that when I don't overeat and eat clean, I can gain muscle while loosing some fat at the same time? I know muscle gains wont be maximal, but I that doens't really matter, cuz I'd rather look large and good than awesome big and ugly.
Bulk or Cut, If you try and do both you will end up short on both.
Eat clean and give yourself time on you next cycle to cut the fat
You don’t need to gain a lot of Fat while bulking. It may look like you are in the mirror but keep in mind some is water.
If you run a 8-10 week Bulk cycle now you will still have time to take 6-8 weeks off and start a Cutting cycle before the warm weather.
Ask yourself – Do I have the size I want, if not Bulk.
CC hit it on the head - - bulk now just eat clean and the fat won't be all that much in relation to %. You have more than enough time to bulk up then cut prior to next spring. Don't worry about it -
My last bulking cycle I dropped about 2% bf. Ate like a horse, shot like mad, and worked my ass off though. Grew alot but lost some fat. Not complaining one bit. Although I still plenty of fat to go so I really need a cutting cycle...My next one
i wouldnt be worried about getting a little chub, its gonna be winter time and no one is gonna care what you look like. bulk up then cut down in the spring time.
I agree with CC. You may be looking like you're getting fat but a lot of that is just water. Keep bulking and eating clean...just eat more clean food. I've been getting most of my fat intake with all-natural peanut butter :D, I increased it a week ago, and my wife already noticed I look BF verified it. I wouldn't want to be too high though. Also, the test will help your body lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously, correct?
Like earlier stated decide what you want. If you want some size..fat is going to come with it. If you want to be ripped..muscle loss is going to happen. There is NO way around either one of those things.
jshoty said:
i wouldnt be worried about getting a little chub, its gonna be winter time and no one is gonna care what you look like.

First, girlfriends will care how I look. The one I have right now is already compleining I have a tummy. Second, my pants are all very tight right now, and I am in no mood for shopping for new clothes.