Fat Face


New member
Im currently doing 600mg T200 a week. My face has gotten very bloated and this shit makes me look like a fatass. Is there anything I can take that will get rid of all the extra water?
Usually you get fat face (bloated) when taking Dianabol. Either, you're drinking too much water, or you should try Liquidex.
Bro...liquidex should help you with the bloat, and I don't think that you're drinking too much, you're prolly not drinking enough water bro. Around 2 gallons and you should be good.
Drinking more will stop the bloat.
This happens to me if I don't use an anti-est.
It will take a couple of days to go away.
ok someone hit it on the head if your dihydrated your body trys to hord water, and you bloat......drink more water
I got a WICKED fat face on the D-Bol...so I upped the liquidex to .40 mg everyday and it cleared up somewhat :) So try that! May hinder your gains a little...but it beats having a fat chipmunk face IMO!

a bombs make my face double in size. drinking boat loads of water does seem to help. i didn't discontinue cause the gains were unreal.