Gaining Muscle: Part 3 steroids, HGH Growth Hormone, Insulin, Diuretics


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[h=1]The Secret to Gaining Muscle Part III : The Myth of Genetics[/h]November 23, 2011 By Victor Pride 6 Comments
In part 1 of this series, The Secret to Gaining Muscle, we exposed the truth about how to gain muscle. All bodybuilders, fitness buffs, fitness models, and anyone who makes money from their body is a user some combination of: Anabolic steroids, Human Growth Hormone, Insulin, Diuretics and plain old fashioned Narcotics.
They lie to you and say they take whey protein and creatine and this and that. They lie to you because A) They want to make money from you selling supplements B) Much of what they take is illegal and they cannot admit to it C) They want you to think they work really hard and have great genetics. When you know they took steroids they will be looked down upon as cheaters and D) They don’t want competition. If everyone knew their secrets (the secret is that anyone can look like them) then they wouldn’t be special anymore. If everyone took the same products they use, and not the worthless supplements they peddle, then every guy in the gym would look like a professional athlete.
In part 2 of the series, The Secret to Gaining Muscle: The Truth About Steroids, we looked at all the different types of drugs that they use and the mega-doses required to be a 300 lb lean monster. We also exposed one of the myths about steroids: that they are very dangerous and can kill. The reality is that anabolic steroids are not near as dangerous as the frantic media portrays. After a man reaches a certain age Steroids and Human Growth Hormone aren’t just downright helpful, but they are damn-near necessary. After 30 years of age a natural trainer is going to have a very hard time making natural gains because your natural testosterone levels plummet.
Today we are going to expose the Myth of Genetics.
You will hear bodybuilders and fitness freaks say: “I just have great genetics for putting on muscle. I can eat whatever I want and my metabolism just burns it off. I just thank my mom and dad for this body.
Friends, today we bring you good news: Absolutely anybody can be a bodybuilder. Absolutely anyone can look like a bodybuilder. Absolutely anyone can have 6 pack abs and big biceps.
The good news is that no one has good “genetics” because having good genetics is a lie that has become mythical. You’ll see someone training in the gym who is on steroids or human growth hormone or a mix and then you will hear someone say “I wish I could look like that. I wish my genetics were as good as his.”
Good news: ALL bodybuilders started as skinny weaklings. That’s what drove them to steroids in the first place. They were tired of being skinny.
If you don’t believe that then go here and view Pictures of Bodybuilders Before and After Steroids and take a look at how skinny they all were before they mega-dosed steroids.
None of them were big, or had good “genetics” to start with. No one can look like a muscled up, cut up monster naturally because the human body is incapable of that amount of size and lean tissue mass without chemical assistance. The human body simply cannot naturally tolerate obscene amounts of muscle and obscenely low bodyfat.
You can put on size as a natural trainer. You can get cut up and be very lean as a natural. Having both isn’t going to happen.
The plight of the natural trainer is this: You can be big but carry some fat. You can be lean but look skinny. When you’re a big natural you look big in clothes but when the clothes come off you are smooth. When you are a lean natural you look skinny in clothes but when the clothes come off you look cut up.
The first thing that happens when a natural “bulks up” (eats more food to put on size) is that they put on some fat. The first thing that happens when a natural trainer “goes on a cut” (eats less food to burn bodyfat) is that they lose muscle mass in the process.
The exception is in the first year of training, especially if the trainer is skinny to begin with, they will be able to put on a lot of muscular size and not too much, if any, bodyfat.
How Genetics Really Matter
The only thing “genetics” matter for is muscle shape and muscle symmetry. To look great your body has to be symmetrical. To look freaky your body has to have some outrageous muscle bellies and muscle shapes. Putting on size is the easy part: they take lots of drugs.
Skinny little Timmy down the street could become a bodybuilder if he had the money for the drugs and the willingness to take MEGA doses of steroids. He would look like a bodybuilder but he would pay the price too. Bodybuilders are on so many drugs they walk around like zombies. Next time you’re in the gym watch a bodybuilder, those guys aren’t all their in the head.
Heck, anyone can have a 6 pack abs, big chest, wide shoulders, huge biceps, wide lats and super tight waste if you’re on the right drugs and right amount of drugs. Genetics has nothing to do with putting on muscular size or burning bodyfat.
Next time you see someone who is naturally big take a good look, you will notice one thing: They have big bones. They have wide bones. They have naturally wide clavicles and shoulders. That’s what separates a naturally skinny person from a naturally big (but not fat) person. Take a look at their wrist size, it will be a whole lot bigger than a skinny persons wrist. Naturally big people can be just as skinny (that is, not have much muscle) but because they have bigger bones they’re never going to look skinny.
Naturally big people don’t have superhuman ability to put on muscle or maintain large amounts of muscle and low bodyfat, they just have big bones. Big bones, and the strong tendons and ligaments that come with having big bones, will make a person naturally strong. These guys don’t become bodybuilders, they become athletes or strength athletes like powerlifters or olympic lifters. Guys with big bones don’t look symmetrical or aesthetic on a bodybuilding stage. Only skinny guys who put on lots of muscle step onto a bodybuilding stage and look good.
But I’m different! I’m naturally skinny! I can’t gain muscle!” In the first year of two of natural training any skinny person can put on a whole lot of weight without gaining too much fat, if any at all. The first year or two of natural training can completely transform a skinny person into a muscular person, steroid free. The people who are naturally skinny are emaciated and malnourished. They simply don’t eat enough and the right kinds of food to gain weight. No one is skinny when they eat enough food. Anyone can gain weight but these naturally skinny folk just don’t have big appetites. Anybody can out on muscle size naturally.