The Ultimate Insulin Protocol: By Mike Arnold


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
The Ultimate Insulin Protocol By: Mike Arnold
</br> Insulin….the peptide everyone wants to know about, but which few are willing to include in their programs. Inevitably, should one inquire how to use this drug, the forthcoming responses almost always come in the way of well meaning admonitions encouraging the prospective user to abstain. Insulin has become somewhat of a taboo subject in our community, even among those of us who willingly engage in and encourage the use of illegal AAS. At first glance, one can understand why this mind-set might rule the general BB’ing population. However, upon further inspection it is revealed that insulin, when administered by those who have a thorough understanding of the drug and religiously adhere to all safety guidelines, can be used both successfully and with relative safety.
</br> Still, it is not without some measure of truth that insulin comes with so many warnings. In a worst case scenario, it can kill you if used improperly. It should also be noted that even when insulin is used responsibly, it carries with it a certain degree of inherent risk. Should the user find himself in unfortunate circumstances, such as acquiring an abrupt case of the stomach flu leading to an inability to hold down any food/liquid, the user could be in trouble, especially if he had just administered a large dosage of Insulin and an E.R cannot quickly be located. This is just one example of how an individual could find himself in a predicament for which he is not responsible, but which none the less could result in an emergency situation.
</br> The purpose of this article is not to educate the reader on how to protect oneself from the potential dangers of Insulin, but to supply a wholistic and maximally effective method of insulin administration. I assume that anyone who is willing to implement this protocol into their BB’ing program is thoroughly educated regarding its application and all available safety nets have been put in place. Furthermore, I encourage no one to use this program. It is posted for entertainment purposes only.
</br> The internet is filled with different thoughts and ideas on how to best use insulin. Some of these ideas are worthwhile, while others are complete garbage. In this article we will explore what many believe to be the single most effective time to use insulin…pre-workout. There is considerable scientific evidence which can be used to back up this claim of superiority, as well as numerous anecdotal reports proclaiming likewise. In the following protocol I have followed suit in regards to timing, but have gone a step further and devised what I consider to be the single most effective insulin program on involving once daily use.
</br> Users of this protocol have reported average gains of 10 lbs in 2 weeks or less, which I can personally confirm. The pumps & muscle fullness one will achieve while following this protocol are staggering. The program finds its magic in its timing and the synergy of ingredients utilized. Listed below is the protocol in its entirety.
</br> • 60 minutes pre-workout: *** optional (Any of the pump-producing supplements on the market. Gaspari Nutrition’s “Vasotropin” is a great product). • 45 minutes pre-workout: 15 IU Humulin R. • 20 minutes pre-workout: 50 grams High molecular weight carb (ex: Vitargo, Karbolyn, etc). 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 20 grams Glycerol monostearate. 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Micronized creatine monohydrate. 2 grams Beta alanine. 10 grams Glutamine. 3 grams Taurine. 500 mg Potassium. 1 gram Vitamin C. • 75 minutes after 1st shake: 50 grams High molecular weight carb. 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 10 grams Glycerol monostearate. 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Micronized creatine. 2 grams Beta alanine. 10 grams Glutamine. 3 grams Taurine. • 75 minutes after 2nd shake: 50 grams High molecular weight carb. 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Glutamine.
</br> Total protein: 60 grams (excluding added free-form aminos) Total Carbs: 150 grams (excluding the trace amounts of carbohydrates found in protein the powder).
</br> First of all, when formulating the macro/slin ratio above, I increased the amount of carbs-protein above what is typically required per IU of slin, in order to account for users who demonstrate an above average degree of insulin sensitivity. Most slin users or BB’rs in general, will require roughly 8 grams of carbs-protein per IU of slin, in order to break even and maintain normal blood glucose. This protocol utilizes a 14 : 1 ratio (macros/slin), which will allow for pretty much anyone to employ this program while maintaining blood sugar within a normal range.
</br> It should be noted that this program is designed to be followed “AS WRITTEN”, especially in regards to nutrient timing and quantities. For previous insulin users who know what ratios are ideal for them, they are a liberty to reduce the number of macros consumed per IU, if necessary, as determined suitable by their metabolic need. For the inexperienced, the nutrition component of the program should be adhered to as directed for at least 2 weeks, at which point the user can then begin personalizing their macro/slin ratio, if necessary.
</br> The foundation of this program rests on the specific type of macros used. Without them, every single other component/aspect of this program is negatively affected and in some cases rendered ineffective altogether. High molecular weight carbohydrates, such as Karbolyn, have been shown to be superior to other forms of carbohydrates in multiple ways, such as: 1) A much greater rate of digestion and assimilation. 2) Improved glycogen compensation. 3) Enhanced insulin release. 4) The ability to pull other nutrients into circulation at a more rapid rate (vacuum effect). 5) The inability to cause intestinal water retention, unlike other forms of carbohydrates, such as dextrose & maltodextrin. The result is zero bloating, no indigestion, and a tighter midsection. 6) The ability to initiate an osmotic affect at the cellular level, in which the balance of water is shifted in favor of the muscle cell & bloodstream and away from the subcutaneous region (the result is a fuller, drier physique). Using other forms of carbohydrates will bring inferior results and therefore, it is not advised that the individual use substitutions for this part of the program.
</br> Moving on to the protein component; hydrolyzed proteins are much more rapidly absorbed than other types of protein and are the only protein which can be consumed along with high molecular weight carbs without impairing their absorption. Hydrolyzed proteins also have another advantage in that they stimulate protein synthesis to a greater degree than either whey protein concentrate or isolate. The is likely due to hydrolyzed whey’s leucine content entering circulation at a faster rate compared to concentrates/ isolates. Recent research on leucine shows that the human body requires 4.5 grams of this amino acid in order to maximally stimulate protein synthesis. This 4.5 grams dose needs to be administered all at once in order to generate this response, not released into the system over an extended period of time, which occurs when consuming concentrates & isolates. For this reason, you will find roughly 4.5-5 grams of leucine in each one of the shakes listed above, with roughly 2 grams coming from each 20 gram serving of hydrolyzed whey and an additional 3 grams in supplemental form.
</br> In this protocol you will also find a slot for adding an N.O product of your choice. I have personally found Gaspari’s Vasotropin to be highly effective. The addition of this supplement, while not “necessary”, will further increase circulation and nutrient delivery to working muscles, as well as help contribute to the pump experienced during and after training. Glycerol monostearate is also included among the roster of ingredients for its role as a muscle volumizer. This compound is frequently used just prior to competition, in order to help achieve a full & tight look during the show. It is also properly included in most of the other high quality pre-intra workout products on the market. You will also notice the inclusion of several other muscle cell volumizers, many of which work synergistically to bring more pronounced results. These include traditional volumizers, such as glutamine, taurine, creatine, and potassium, as well as newer products like Beta alanine.
</br> In order to promote enhanced recovery and a maximum growth response, the timing of the shakes has been set-up to maintain a constant influx of nutrients throughout the entire active life of the insulin. Humulin R was specifically chosen for this purpose, as its half-life will allow the user to take advantage of both the intra and post-workout windows. Humulin R also delivers a less pronounced insulin spike, which is easier to manage for most users in comparison to a faster-acting version of insulin, such as Humalog.
</br> When speaking of insulin programs in general, one of the biggest issues plaguing its users is that of insulin resistance. Chronic, long-term insulin use can damage insulin sensitivity, which is accompanied by all sorts of potential complications. This is the reason why most programs out there call for the user to take some off-time every so often, as it is necessary in order to avoid insulin resistance. However, due to the limited insulin exposure time encountered while running this protocol, insulin sensitivity is only moderately affected when using the program 5-6X per week. For individuals who opt to use the program only 3-4X per week, alterations in insulin sensitivity is a non-issue. For those running it the recommended 5-6X per week, one of two steps can be taken to ensure insulin sensitivity is maintained. 1) The user can either take 2 weeks off for every 4 weeks on…or 2) The individual can add Glucophage (Metformin) into his program 3-4X per week at 700-800 mg, 2X/Day.
</br> For 1st time insulin users, while the macro/slin ratio listed above is sufficient, I always recommend they start out at a reduced dosage and gradually work their way up to the full amount. For one’s 1st inject, a dosage of 6-8 IU is ideal. This can be followed up by a 2nd inject of 8-10 IU…and concluded with a 3rd and final inject of 10-12 IU before finally moving up to the full 15 IU. Lastly, I do not consider this program suitable for all BB’rs, but only for those who have achieved at least a moderate level of development.
</br> For anyone out there who has been contemplating using insulin, but does not know how to go about adding it into one’s program, the above protocol is an excellent starting point and for
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Most ANABOLIC hormone available... However this is an end game recommend as a boost to ur AAS 'plateau' many recommend 5-10 successful cycles beforehand. That said, it's a huge boost & unlike w/ GH or IGF1 u do not wanna mess up the IUs LMAO my first time w/MOD GRF 129 I thought I was @ 100mcg I was shooting 400.... Yeah slin 4x the amount that'd be 16-20IUs bad IMO LMAO. Start small 3-5 work up to IMO, 1 IU per 20 lbs. More is NOT better bc I feel resistance hypoglycemia & fat gain negate the risks. That said enjoy some candy & Soda LMAO
total carbs

Thanks for the great post. If i start at 8 UI of slin should my carbs be 80g total divided in 3 equal parts in each shake? If i got your protocol your example of 50g of carbs in every shake is on a 15UI slin intake for a total of 150g of carbs .
Do i keep the rest of the supplements like you listed for a 8UI slin intake.

Thanks. Big Pac

The Ultimate Insulin Protocol By: Mike Arnold

Insulin….the peptide everyone wants to know about, but which few are willing to include in their programs. Inevitably, should one inquire how to use this drug, the forthcoming responses almost always come in the way of well meaning admonitions encouraging the prospective user to abstain. Insulin has become somewhat of a taboo subject in our community, even among those of us who willingly engage in and encourage the use of illegal AAS. At first glance, one can understand why this mind-set might rule the general BB’ing population. However, upon further inspection it is revealed that insulin, when administered by those who have a thorough understanding of the drug and religiously adhere to all safety guidelines, can be used both successfully and with relative safety.

Still, it is not without some measure of truth that insulin comes with so many warnings. In a worst case scenario, it can kill you if used improperly. It should also be noted that even when insulin is used responsibly, it carries with it a certain degree of inherent risk. Should the user find himself in unfortunate circumstances, such as acquiring an abrupt case of the stomach flu leading to an inability to hold down any food/liquid, the user could be in trouble, especially if he had just administered a large dosage of Insulin and an E.R cannot quickly be located. This is just one example of how an individual could find himself in a predicament for which he is not responsible, but which none the less could result in an emergency situation.

The purpose of this article is not to educate the reader on how to protect oneself from the potential dangers of Insulin, but to supply a wholistic and maximally effective method of insulin administration. I assume that anyone who is willing to implement this protocol into their BB’ing program is thoroughly educated regarding its application and all available safety nets have been put in place. Furthermore, I encourage no one to use this program. It is posted for entertainment purposes only.

The internet is filled with different thoughts and ideas on how to best use insulin. Some of these ideas are worthwhile, while others are complete garbage. In this article we will explore what many believe to be the single most effective time to use insulin…pre-workout. There is considerable scientific evidence which can be used to back up this claim of superiority, as well as numerous anecdotal reports proclaiming likewise. In the following protocol I have followed suit in regards to timing, but have gone a step further and devised what I consider to be the single most effective insulin program on involving once daily use.

Users of this protocol have reported average gains of 10 lbs in 2 weeks or less, which I can personally confirm. The pumps & muscle fullness one will achieve while following this protocol are staggering. The program finds its magic in its timing and the synergy of ingredients utilized. Listed below is the protocol in its entirety.

• 60 minutes pre-workout: *** optional (Any of the pump-producing supplements on the market. Gaspari Nutrition’s “Vasotropin” is a great product). • 45 minutes pre-workout: 15 IU Humulin R. • 20 minutes pre-workout: 50 grams High molecular weight carb (ex: Vitargo, Karbolyn, etc). 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 20 grams Glycerol monostearate. 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Micronized creatine monohydrate. 2 grams Beta alanine. 10 grams Glutamine. 3 grams Taurine. 500 mg Potassium. 1 gram Vitamin C. • 75 minutes after 1st shake: 50 grams High molecular weight carb. 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 10 grams Glycerol monostearate. 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Micronized creatine. 2 grams Beta alanine. 10 grams Glutamine. 3 grams Taurine. • 75 minutes after 2nd shake: 50 grams High molecular weight carb. 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Glutamine.

Total protein: 60 grams (excluding added free-form aminos) Total Carbs: 150 grams (excluding the trace amounts of carbohydrates found in protein the powder).

First of all, when formulating the macro/slin ratio above, I increased the amount of carbs-protein above what is typically required per IU of slin, in order to account for users who demonstrate an above average degree of insulin sensitivity. Most slin users or BB’rs in general, will require roughly 8 grams of carbs-protein per IU of slin, in order to break even and maintain normal blood glucose. This protocol utilizes a 14 : 1 ratio (macros/slin), which will allow for pretty much anyone to employ this program while maintaining blood sugar within a normal range.

It should be noted that this program is designed to be followed “AS WRITTEN”, especially in regards to nutrient timing and quantities. For previous insulin users who know what ratios are ideal for them, they are a liberty to reduce the number of macros consumed per IU, if necessary, as determined suitable by their metabolic need. For the inexperienced, the nutrition component of the program should be adhered to as directed for at least 2 weeks, at which point the user can then begin personalizing their macro/slin ratio, if necessary.

The foundation of this program rests on the specific type of macros used. Without them, every single other component/aspect of this program is negatively affected and in some cases rendered ineffective altogether. High molecular weight carbohydrates, such as Karbolyn, have been shown to be superior to other forms of carbohydrates in multiple ways, such as: 1) A much greater rate of digestion and assimilation. 2) Improved glycogen compensation. 3) Enhanced insulin release. 4) The ability to pull other nutrients into circulation at a more rapid rate (vacuum effect). 5) The inability to cause intestinal water retention, unlike other forms of carbohydrates, such as dextrose & maltodextrin. The result is zero bloating, no indigestion, and a tighter midsection. 6) The ability to initiate an osmotic affect at the cellular level, in which the balance of water is shifted in favor of the muscle cell & bloodstream and away from the subcutaneous region (the result is a fuller, drier physique). Using other forms of carbohydrates will bring inferior results and therefore, it is not advised that the individual use substitutions for this part of the program.

Moving on to the protein component; hydrolyzed proteins are much more rapidly absorbed than other types of protein and are the only protein which can be consumed along with high molecular weight carbs without impairing their absorption. Hydrolyzed proteins also have another advantage in that they stimulate protein synthesis to a greater degree than either whey protein concentrate or isolate. The is likely due to hydrolyzed whey’s leucine content entering circulation at a faster rate compared to concentrates/ isolates. Recent research on leucine shows that the human body requires 4.5 grams of this amino acid in order to maximally stimulate protein synthesis. This 4.5 grams dose needs to be administered all at once in order to generate this response, not released into the system over an extended period of time, which occurs when consuming concentrates & isolates. For this reason, you will find roughly 4.5-5 grams of leucine in each one of the shakes listed above, with roughly 2 grams coming from each 20 gram serving of hydrolyzed whey and an additional 3 grams in supplemental form.

In this protocol you will also find a slot for adding an N.O product of your choice. I have personally found Gaspari’s Vasotropin to be highly effective. The addition of this supplement, while not “necessary”, will further increase circulation and nutrient delivery to working muscles, as well as help contribute to the pump experienced during and after training. Glycerol monostearate is also included among the roster of ingredients for its role as a muscle volumizer. This compound is frequently used just prior to competition, in order to help achieve a full & tight look during the show. It is also properly included in most of the other high quality pre-intra workout products on the market. You will also notice the inclusion of several other muscle cell volumizers, many of which work synergistically to bring more pronounced results. These include traditional volumizers, such as glutamine, taurine, creatine, and potassium, as well as newer products like Beta alanine.

In order to promote enhanced recovery and a maximum growth response, the timing of the shakes has been set-up to maintain a constant influx of nutrients throughout the entire active life of the insulin. Humulin R was specifically chosen for this purpose, as its half-life will allow the user to take advantage of both the intra and post-workout windows. Humulin R also delivers a less pronounced insulin spike, which is easier to manage for most users in comparison to a faster-acting version of insulin, such as Humalog.

When speaking of insulin programs in general, one of the biggest issues plaguing its users is that of insulin resistance. Chronic, long-term insulin use can damage insulin sensitivity, which is accompanied by all sorts of potential complications. This is the reason why most programs out there call for the user to take some off-time every so often, as it is necessary in order to avoid insulin resistance. However, due to the limited insulin exposure time encountered while running this protocol, insulin sensitivity is only moderately affected when using the program 5-6X per week. For individuals who opt to use the program only 3-4X per week, alterations in insulin sensitivity is a non-issue. For those running it the recommended 5-6X per week, one of two steps can be taken to ensure insulin sensitivity is maintained. 1) The user can either take 2 weeks off for every 4 weeks on…or 2) The individual can add Glucophage (Metformin) into his program 3-4X per week at 700-800 mg, 2X/Day.

For 1st time insulin users, while the macro/slin ratio listed above is sufficient, I always recommend they start out at a reduced dosage and gradually work their way up to the full amount. For one’s 1st inject, a dosage of 6-8 IU is ideal. This can be followed up by a 2nd inject of 8-10 IU…and concluded with a 3rd and final inject of 10-12 IU before finally moving up to the full 15 IU. Lastly, I do not consider this program suitable for all BB’rs, but only for those who have achieved at least a moderate level of development.

For anyone out there who has been contemplating using insulin, but does not know how to go about adding it into one’s program, the above protocol is an excellent starting point and for
Hey bigpac bro I've always down 10grams carbs per I.u. Of insulin But I never spaced out the carbs. Personally I think you'll wanna do the carbs all at once to help from going hypo

I wrote this article years ago, so several of the recommendations within it are outdated. In some other instances, my opinions have changed.

For example, while I still like high molecular weight "complex" carbs like Karbolyn, Vitargo, etc, highly branched cyclic dextrins (A simple carb) have burst onto the scene over the last couple years and are also a great carb source. Which one is better will depend on personal response, what is more important to the individual, and of course, personal opinion. HBCD's and it seems to be lighter on the stomach during training, so many people like them for that reason, but in my experience, "complex" high molecular weight carbs such as Karbolyn seem to be superior for muscle fullness. Both are excellent choices Of course, there are many other, non-name brand high molecular weight carbs on the market, as well.

One thing which has certainly changed since I typed that article is my secondary ingredient recommendations. Today, there are numerous great compounds available that either weren't around back then, or weren't widely known about. For example, the old protocol includes glycerol, leucine, creatine, beta alanine, glutamine, taurine, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and I also mention NO boosters like Vasotropin.

When it comes to secondary compounds, the reality is that there are 100's out there which supply some type of beneficial effect. Obviously, we can't include them all, so we need to be choosy. I only consider two of them to be essential. These are leucine and creatine; preferably micronized creatine, so that it dissolves easily in water. Leucine is the anabolic signal which activates mTOR, so having the right amount of leucine present is essential for optimizing protein synthesis--the goal of every bodybuilder. Creatine has so many benefits for the bodybuilder that everyone should be using it.

After leucine and creatine, you can choose any number of compounds you want, based on what effects you are looking for. Are you trying to improve blood flow (ex. agmatine), further increase mTOR activation (ex. phosphatidic acid), volumize your muscles (ex. betaine), decrease catabolism (HMB), increase energy (caffeine), enhance mental acuity & focus (ex. adafinil), etc? There are many great compounds out there which can help in all of these areas and more, so depending on what you want. Because everyone's needs/wants are different, I no longer include any secondary ingredients, outside of creatine and leucine, when making general recommendations for an intra-workout shake.

In addition, I no longer recommend consuming 3 separate shakes, but simply mixing up one intra-workout shake which contains the correct amount if protein and carbs for your own needs, and then drinking 1/3rd of it about 5-10 minutes before starting training, 1/3rd halfway through training, and 1/3rd at the end of training. This will supply a sustained delivery of nutrients to your muscles from the start of training until the end. About 30-60 minute after training, have a whole-food meal containing a large amount of protein, complex carbs (some sugars such as fruit, are fine as well), and even some fat. A good example would be grass-fed steak, a pile of mashed potatoes w/ grass-fed butter, some asparagus, and a cup of blueberries. This is just one of a million different meals you could have a this time.

Lastly, I no longer recommend injecting Humulin 45 minutes pre-training, but only about 10-15 minutes beforehand, as this will keep the insulin active through the entire training window, which includes training itself, as well as a few hours afterward. This is the timeframe you want elevated insulin levels the most.

I wrote this article years ago, so several of the recommendations within it are outdated. In some other instances, my opinions have changed.

For example, while I still like high molecular weight "complex" carbs like Karbolyn, Vitargo, etc, highly branched cyclic dextrins (A simple carb) have burst onto the scene over the last couple years and are also a great carb source. Which one is better will depend on personal response, what is more important to the individual, and of course, personal opinion. HBCD's and it seems to be lighter on the stomach during training, so many people like them for that reason, but in my experience, "complex" high molecular weight carbs such as Karbolyn seem to be superior for muscle fullness. Both are excellent choices Of course, there are many other, non-name brand high molecular weight carbs on the market, as well.

One thing which has certainly changed since I typed that article is my secondary ingredient recommendations. Today, there are numerous great compounds available that either weren't around back then, or weren't widely known about. For example, the old protocol includes glycerol, leucine, creatine, beta alanine, glutamine, taurine, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and I also mention NO boosters like Vasotropin.

When it comes to secondary compounds, the reality is that there are 100's out there which supply some type of beneficial effect. Obviously, we can't include them all, so we need to be choosy. I only consider two of them to be essential. These are leucine and creatine; preferably micronized creatine, so that it dissolves easily in water. Leucine is the anabolic signal which activates mTOR, so having the right amount of leucine present is essential for optimizing protein synthesis--the goal of every bodybuilder. Creatine has so many benefits for the bodybuilder that everyone should be using it.

After leucine and creatine, you can choose any number of compounds you want, based on what effects you are looking for. Are you trying to improve blood flow (ex. agmatine), further increase mTOR activation (ex. phosphatidic acid), volumize your muscles (ex. betaine), decrease catabolism (HMB), increase energy (caffeine), enhance mental acuity & focus (ex. adafinil), etc? There are many great compounds out there which can help in all of these areas and more, so depending on what you want. Because everyone's needs/wants are different, I no longer include any secondary ingredients, outside of creatine and leucine, when making general recommendations for an intra-workout shake.

In addition, I no longer recommend consuming 3 separate shakes, but simply mixing up one intra-workout shake which contains the correct amount if protein and carbs for your own needs, and then drinking 1/3rd of it about 5-10 minutes before starting training, 1/3rd halfway through training, and 1/3rd at the end of training. This will supply a sustained delivery of nutrients to your muscles from the start of training until the end. About 30-60 minute after training, have a whole-food meal containing a large amount of protein, complex carbs (some sugars such as fruit, are fine as well), and even some fat. A good example would be grass-fed steak, a pile of mashed potatoes w/ grass-fed butter, some asparagus, and a cup of blueberries. This is just one of a million different meals you could have a this time.

Lastly, I no longer recommend injecting Humulin 45 minutes pre-training, but only about 10-15 minutes beforehand, as this will keep the insulin active through the entire training window, which includes training itself, as well as a few hours afterward. This is the timeframe you want elevated insulin levels the most.

Hey bro, I never thought you were the actual "Mike Arnold" who actually wrote all this stuff we've been reading over the years lol, I thought someone simply was using your name, like you see a million users using the dame Jay, or cutler, or Dexter, never knew you were the Actual "Mike Arnold"


I wrote this article years ago, so several of the recommendations within it are outdated. In some other instances, my opinions have changed.

For example, while I still like high molecular weight "complex" carbs like Karbolyn, Vitargo, etc, highly branched cyclic dextrins (A simple carb) have burst onto the scene over the last couple years and are also a great carb source. Which one is better will depend on personal response, what is more important to the individual, and of course, personal opinion. HBCD's and it seems to be lighter on the stomach during training, so many people like them for that reason, but in my experience, "complex" high molecular weight carbs such as Karbolyn seem to be superior for muscle fullness. Both are excellent choices Of course, there are many other, non-name brand high molecular weight carbs on the market, as well.

One thing which has certainly changed since I typed that article is my secondary ingredient recommendations. Today, there are numerous great compounds available that either weren't around back then, or weren't widely known about. For example, the old protocol includes glycerol, leucine, creatine, beta alanine, glutamine, taurine, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and I also mention NO boosters like Vasotropin.

When it comes to secondary compounds, the reality is that there are 100's out there which supply some type of beneficial effect. Obviously, we can't include them all, so we need to be choosy. I only consider two of them to be essential. These are leucine and creatine; preferably micronized creatine, so that it dissolves easily in water. Leucine is the anabolic signal which activates mTOR, so having the right amount of leucine present is essential for optimizing protein synthesis--the goal of every bodybuilder. Creatine has so many benefits for the bodybuilder that everyone should be using it.

After leucine and creatine, you can choose any number of compounds you want, based on what effects you are looking for. Are you trying to improve blood flow (ex. agmatine), further increase mTOR activation (ex. phosphatidic acid), volumize your muscles (ex. betaine), decrease catabolism (HMB), increase energy (caffeine), enhance mental acuity & focus (ex. adafinil), etc? There are many great compounds out there which can help in all of these areas and more, so depending on what you want. Because everyone's needs/wants are different, I no longer include any secondary ingredients, outside of creatine and leucine, when making general recommendations for an intra-workout shake.

In addition, I no longer recommend consuming 3 separate shakes, but simply mixing up one intra-workout shake which contains the correct amount if protein and carbs for your own needs, and then drinking 1/3rd of it about 5-10 minutes before starting training, 1/3rd halfway through training, and 1/3rd at the end of training. This will supply a sustained delivery of nutrients to your muscles from the start of training until the end. About 30-60 minute after training, have a whole-food meal containing a large amount of protein, complex carbs (some sugars such as fruit, are fine as well), and even some fat. A good example would be grass-fed steak, a pile of mashed potatoes w/ grass-fed butter, some asparagus, and a cup of blueberries. This is just one of a million different meals you could have a this time.

Lastly, I no longer recommend injecting Humulin 45 minutes pre-training, but only about 10-15 minutes beforehand, as this will keep the insulin active through the entire training window, which includes training itself, as well as a few hours afterward. This is the timeframe you want elevated insulin levels the most.

I´m a little confused about the meal 30-60 minute after training, what kind of macro's (protein/carbs/fats) do you prefer in this meal.
And Humulin R will be active for about 8 hours do i need to watch my food intake in this period? and how many meals do you prefer in this period i don't want unnecessary fat gains ?
When using insulin, I have been told to make sure your fat is very low.

I like this article because it discusses Humulin R which is an over the counter medicine.
For some reason, I did not see this when it was originally posted. Damn, I missed a great article PLUS actual advice from the man himself. I've been looking for *the* protocol with insulin and GH/IGF that supposedly makes you grow like a weed, having seen references to it in various places.. AND IT'S RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF MY FACE! Ay! Okay, I'll stop shouting now. Good bump up for everyone.
Mike later wrote a followup to this protocol that I found:

by Mike Arnold

Since writing The Ultimate Insulin Protocol roughly 5 years ago, I have received numerous requests asking for my opinion regarding some of the newer products on the market and whether or not they can be used as substitutions for the original components. After responding with a few abbreviated posts, but continuing to see similar questions posted all over the boards, I decided to take a few minutes to address this officially, but more importantly, to clear up some of the misconceptions surrounding the original protocol.

First and foremost, the reader should understand that when this protocol was designed, it was intended to be generic in nature; to serve as basic template one could follow when putting together their own program. But rather than being used for its intended purpose, many began to replicate it word for word, without any regard for the importance of personalization.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the original, the objective was simple: to create an easy to follow, highly effective, sustainable program devoid of the metabolic health risks inherent in many of the more elaborate programs, while being suitable for both beginner and advanced bodybuilders alike. In short, I wanted people to be able to experience the benefits of insulin, but without the potential consequences so often associated with its use. Due to its success in balancing effectiveness with safety, it was in a sense the “ultimate” insulin protocol.

Although many factors were considered in its design, it was insulin timing and food type-timing that formed the foundation and on which everything else was built. While the original did include certain supplements in addition to the protein and carb-based variety, the majority were optional; there to give the reader some ideas as to what might be useful depending on finances and goals. Furthermore, supplementation has progressed considerably over the last 5 years, making several of the previous options outdated by current standards, at least in comparison to some of the newer products. Regardless, aside from a couple select supplements, which I consider to be basic fare, they are all just icing on the cake and hardly essential to the protocol’s overall effectiveness.

With that said, let’s look at one of the program’s most basic tenets—the administration of insulin pre-workout—and learn why it is the single best time to include this drug in your regimen. In short, weight training causes the body’s muscle building machinery to up-regulate, which is really just another way of saying enhanced, increased, sped up, etc. Most commonly, this hyper-anabolic state is referred to as the training window; a set period of time lasting from the start of training until a few hours afterward. One way in which the body responds to weight training is through an increase in insulin sensitivity. This happens when our insulin receptors, which reside on the surface of the cell, respond to insulin’s signal more efficiently, allowing us to get more bang for our buck from this powerful muscle-building hormone.

Training also promotes recovery and growth on an intracellular level by increasing protein synthesis, glycogen synthase, Glut-4 and amino acid transporter expression, as well as decreasing myostatin levels. Combined with an increase in insulin sensitivity, these things not only result in accelerated recovery and growth, but provide a natural nutrient re-partitioning effect, in which the food we eat is more likely to be used by our muscle cells, rather than stored as fat.

Insulin is the perfect complement to this training window, as it not only shuttles nutrients to muscles cells, thereby allowing the body to take advantage of this heightened anabolic state, but insulin itself also amplifies many of the body’s muscle building processes, providing a double muscle building effect at a time when the body is most likely to respond to insulin’s signal.
As an anti-catabolic, insulin is second to none, preventing the breakdown of muscle tissue that occurs during weight training. By actively opposing muscle protein breakdown, recovery time is reduced. This has a two-fold effect. One, since the body doesn’t have to direct as much of its resources towards recovery, more energy can be spent on supercompensation (growth).

Two, faster recovery translates into increased training frequency, allowing the muscles to be stimulated more times within a given time period and ultimately, to grow more quickly. Lastly, supraphysiological insulin concentrations significantly increase blood volume within in muscle tissue, adding to the overall muscle pump and stimulating growth in its own right.

However, in order for the body to capitalize on all this, the right nutrients must be present at the right time. This is where intra-workout nutrition comes in—the 2nd half of the program’s foundation. Anyone who read the original Ultimate Insulin Protocol saw that it called for the use of specific proteins and carbohydrates to be consumed at particular times. These macronutrients were not chosen at random, but for their ability to deliver large quantities of easily digested aminos acids and glucose into the bloodstream while exogenous insulin was active.

When looking for carbs and proteins ideally suited for this purpose, the best sources do not come from whole-foods, but from high molecular weight carbohydrates and hydrolyzed proteins/amino acids. These products exit the stomach more quickly than any other protein and carb source available, allowing for rapid intestinal absorption without reducing blood flow to working muscles or causing digestive upset.

There are many great products on the market which fall into this category of supplementation. In terms of protein, there is whey, beef, casein, and even egg hydrolysates. There are many brands to choose from, but one must read the nutrition label to ensure the product in question contains only hydrolysates, as some companies attempt to deceive the buyer by clearly printing the word “hydrolysate” on the front of the bottle, but only including a small amount within the product. Some individual choose to employ essential amino acids instead of protein powders, which is fine too.

When it comes to high molecular weight carbs, there are once again many brands to choose from, perhaps even more than hydrolysates. Keep in mind that not all high molecular weight carbs are the same, but can vary in both their degree of osmolality and complexity. In general, the lower the osmolality, the better, as this will determine the rate at which the carbohydrate exits the stomach. In general, you want to a high molecular weight carb with a rating of 500,000 or higher.

While a lower osmolality is always better no matter what type of intra-workout carb is being used, its complexity is a matter of personal preference. Just like with whole-food carbs, which can range in complexity from simple sugars to the much more complex polysaccharides, so to do high-molecular weight carbs vary in complexity. There have been many successful carb products on the market which contain carbs from both ends of the spectrum. For example, the high molecular weight carbs within Gaspari’s Glycofuse (which contains highly branched cyclic dextrins) are a simple sugar, whereas a product like Karbolyn or Vitargo are of the complex polysaccharide variety.

As far as additional supplementation goes, there are only 2 compounds I feel are critical to maximizing effectives. These are leucine and creatine, particularly the micronized versions. Acting as the anabolic trigger via mTOR signaling, leucine is vital for not only stimulating protein synthesis to a meaningful degree, but directly controls the rate at which protein synthesis takes place. Therefore, optimizing leucine blood levels is an important consideration for any bodybuilder, regardless of insulin use.

Although working through completely different mechanisms, creatine’s positive effects on muscle growth are so numerous, and its price so reasonable, that it should be a staple item for all bodybuilders. Being that there is no better time to take these products than during the training window and with insulin’s influence at its peak, it just makes sense to include them with your intra-workout drink. Additional supplementation, if any, should be determined by goals and finances.

One point of contention among those who have viewed/used the original protocol is the recommended amount of carbs. As previously mentioned, the entire program was generic, including carb recommendations. Therefore, the thought process behind this aspect of the program was fairly simple—to select a dose of insulin that would produce good results in anyone with decent insulin sensitivity and couple it with an appropriately timed quantity of carbs to ensure the user’s safety, no matter how good their insulin sensitivity might be. Being that I was speaking to a general audience, I needed to account for all individuals, not just the average person.

When determining what amount of carbs is right for you, do not base your carb intake on your insulin dose. Rather, your insulin dose should be determined by your carbohydrate needs. This can vary dramatically depending on the individual and their goals. An advanced, 300 lb bodybuilder with a rapid metabolism might require 400 grams of carbs during the training window in order to recovery and grow to the best of his ability, while a 180 lb intermediate level bodybuilder with a slower metabolism might require only a small fraction of that.

First and foremost you need to establish your optimal carb intake, which will vary depending on whether you are trying to grow or lose fat (Note: I personally don’t believe insulin has much of a place in pre-contest programs, aside from a limited number of potential applications). Once you have done that you can decide on your insulin dose. YOUR CARB INTAKE SHOULD NOT CHANGE JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE USING INSULIN! Many people tend to lower their carb intake as much as possible when using this drug, thinking that this is what they need to do in order to avoid fat gain, but all they are accomplishing by doing so is reducing their potential gains.

Insulin does not reduce your body’s carb requirements. You need whatever you need. Understand that now. Lowering your carbohydrate intake to the minimum number of grams necessary to avoid hypoglycemia defeats the entire purpose of using insulin in the first place, a big part of which is to maximize nutrient delivery to muscle tissue. How are you going to do that if your carb intake resembles that of a teenage girl? You aren’t. All you will do is drastically impair your body’s ability to get big.

Moving on. Since I wrote the original program I have changed my mind on a few things. One is the type of insulin I recommend. Although I think Humalog/Novolog has its perks, I feel that good old Humulin R/Novolin R is the ideal form of insulin for pre-workout use in those trying to build mass, as well as for all novice users. Not only is it safer due to its slower release rate, but it remains active throughout the entire training window. This allows the bodybuilder to benefit from enhanced nutrient delivery over multiple feedings (intra & post-workout meals), rather than just one, providing superior results.

Secondly, I now recommend a different format in terms of shake timing. Previously, I had advised consuming 3 different shakes—one immediately pre-training, one in the middle of training, and one post-training. While this served the purpose of making sure nutrients were present in optimal quantities throughout the entire training window, it was a major pain in the ass. Furthermore, I found that most people respond better to a combination of shakes and whole-food, with a single shake being consumed throughout the workout, followed by a large whole-food meal within 60 minutes of the workout’s completion. Because the shake is consumed throughout the workout, it has the same effect as having one shake at the start of training and half-way through, while the final shake is omitted in favor of a whole-food meal.

The logic behind skipping the post-workout shake is as follows—an intra-workout shake IS a post-workout shake. As is the case here, intra-workout shakes are normally consumed throughout training, with part of the shake being consumed right at the beginning of the workout and the rest being sipped on as the workout progresses. By doing so, nutrient delivery will begin part way into training and continue until about an hour after the workout is finished. At that point there is no need to consume another rapidly digesting source of protein and carbohydrate, as the muscles have already been supplied with everything they need to kick-start the recovery & growth process.

Therefore, rather than drinking another shake after the workout has concluded, I now recommend sitting down to a whole-food meal, which will supply a more sustained influx of amino acids and glucose to the muscles for many hours to come.

Anytime insulin is used, the single most important factor to consider, outside of the drug’s acute effect on blood sugar, is its effect on insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistance is the springboard from which all other insulin related problems stem. Maintain your insulin sensitivity within a normal range and all of the side effects associated with the drug, including both health and cosmetic issues, will remain non-existent.

This is one of the biggest advantages of this program, as it allows the individual to enjoy the benefits of insulin without having to deal with all the unwanted side effects. Remember, insulin is a natural substance, secreted by the pancreas all day long in order to maintain blood glucose levels within the proper range. Just as our body is naturally programmed to manage this hormone without unwanted complications (as long as we let it), so too does our management of exogenous insulin determine our body’s response to it.

I have intentionally set this program up so that it can be utilized up to 5 days per week, indefinitely, without damaging one’s insulin sensitivity. While it is true that any amount of insulin exposure will have a corresponding negative effect on insulin sensitivity, this is easily prevented by the addition of insulin sensitizers to one’s program, such as berberine, bitter melon, etc. For most people, supplementing with berberine alone at 1,000-1,500 mg/day (divided into 3 daily doses) is all that it takes to cancel out the negative effects of this program on insulin sensitivity and in many cases, sensitivity may even improve. By not having to cycle this program, one avoids the yo-yo effect witnessed with on again, off again programs. As always, make sure you are well informed regarding the potential risks of improper use before engaging in any insulin program.
Thnx BigZ , this is a great go to guide for anyone thinking about adding insulin to their cycle