Back at it


New member
I have not been able to train or run a cycle for sometime now due to an injury to my knee that required a minor scope surgery. So I been out for 6 months and decided to just start back up with the ol basic test decca cycle. Here it is so let me know what you think:
Week 1-3 20mg SD ED
Week 1-5 500 Test E - 600 Decca M/F
I changed up my test a bit cause I believe it was a bit high
Week 6- 12 is gonna almost the same just gonna bump Decca up a little more, and add 40-50mg winstrol.
I am not a pro and just like juicing for recreational activity and am still learning. My diet is pretty tight eating 6 meals a day and getting plenty of test. Any wisdom or advice would be greatly appreciated.