Finasteride - The good and the Bad


Musclechemistry Member

Finasteride is a popular medication commonly known by the trade names Proscar and Propeica that is defined as a 5alpha-reductase (5-AR) inhibitor. By its nature, Finasteride combats symptoms brought on by the type 2 5-AR enzyme which by its nature is responsible for the conversion of Testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Make no mistake, this is a medication that while often viewed as quite simplistic should not be taken without caution. At any rate, Finasteride can protect and combat common DHT related issues that may occur, such as Hair-Loss, Prostate Enlargement and Prostate Cancer.

Natural vs. Synthetic:

Of course, as you're a human being you naturally produce testosterone, and as such there will be a conversion into DHT. The rate of conversion will vary tremendously from man to man, but it will occur nonetheless. Then we have anabolic steroid users, and a large portion of the anabolic steroids we have at our disposal are of a DHT nature, and for the steroid user, this is where Finasteride can prove to be very useful. Even so, it must be stated the vast majority will not need Finasteride or any such protection. Those who are not predisposed to male-pattern baldness will not have hair issues to begin with, and those who have a healthy prostate, do not abuse steroids or cause any other related stress to the prostate will in most cases never need the first batch of Finasteride.
Why Finasteride?

The reasons any one would take Finasteride are pretty obvious as there's really only two, to combat hair loss and prostate issues. Hair loss is the most common reason anyone uses Finasteride, and this includes steroid users and non users. Through use, the individual can prevent further hair loss and in about half the cases spur new growth through steady medication. Then there's the issue of an enlarged prostate, and with 6 months of therapy, (sometimes more) the enlargement can be reversed, and all will be as it once was.

Finasteride – WARNING!

Finasteride is not a bed of roses, and as a potent androgen suppressor, (DHT is an androgen) it can lead to many unwanted problems. If you use Finasteride, you will severely diminish muscle hypertrophy, and this is an issue that is often left ignored, after all, so many are so concerned with hair. Such an effect can have a negative impact on our physical well-being as well as our sexual function. Make no mistake, we're not saying these side effects are assured, they are simply possible, but the adverse Finasteride side effects carry a greater probability than most of those related to anabolic androgenic steroids.
Dutasteride is a far better drug. Both with reducing prostate gland size and reducing hair loss. You can actually get it in bulk form from some of the "suppliers" on this site. But you would need a very fine scale to weigh the powder, because the dose is ,5 of a mg.
Dutasteride is a very harsh drug. It has a half-life of 5 weeks!
So if you can't tolerate this drug you're F'd!
It's much better to start off with finasteride.

I have used finasteride for a couple of years (both prescribed pills and chinese raws), I recently stopped because I was to lazy to take it. And to be honest. Whats the point of taking it when you're going to loose your hair eventually anyways.
Only thing it does is slow down the process.

To the people that haven't given up yet and want to hold on to their hairline for dear life I would recommend using minoxidil with the finasteride.
Generic brand minoxidil works as good as the expensive ones as rogaine etc.

Here is my experience with it and what I have read.

Good: Slows down hair loss. More free testosterone. Lowers the chance of getting acne during cycle.

Bad: After a while you will get problems with getting a boner and keeping it up. Your load will look watery(took 6 months to get normal) Depression gets worse. Brainfog. Lack of energy.
Even though studies show that finasteride frees up more free test in the body I did not build more muscle during these years.

If you take AAS all the time then I don't see any problems with taking this drug. It can even be beneficial.

Here is the most important thing. Here is the real reason why I took this drug and most probably why most guys take it. FEMALES!

Did I get more chicks? NO!
Was It worth taking this drug, yes and no. I'm that type of person that has to try things to know.

I hope my experience with this drug will help you guys.

Finasteride is a popular medication commonly known by the trade names Proscar and Propeica that is defined as a 5alpha-reductase (5-AR) inhibitor. By its nature, Finasteride combats symptoms brought on by the type 2 5-AR enzyme which by its nature is responsible for the conversion of Testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Make no mistake, this is a medication that while often viewed as quite simplistic should not be taken without caution. At any rate, Finasteride can protect and combat common DHT related issues that may occur, such as Hair-Loss, Prostate Enlargement and Prostate Cancer.

Natural vs. Synthetic:

Of course, as you're a human being you naturally produce testosterone, and as such there will be a conversion into DHT. The rate of conversion will vary tremendously from man to man, but it will occur nonetheless. Then we have anabolic steroid users, and a large portion of the anabolic steroids we have at our disposal are of a DHT nature, and for the steroid user, this is where Finasteride can prove to be very useful. Even so, it must be stated the vast majority will not need Finasteride or any such protection. Those who are not predisposed to male-pattern baldness will not have hair issues to begin with, and those who have a healthy prostate, do not abuse steroids or cause any other related stress to the prostate will in most cases never need the first batch of Finasteride.
Why Finasteride?

The reasons any one would take Finasteride are pretty obvious as there's really only two, to combat hair loss and prostate issues. Hair loss is the most common reason anyone uses Finasteride, and this includes steroid users and non users. Through use, the individual can prevent further hair loss and in about half the cases spur new growth through steady medication. Then there's the issue of an enlarged prostate, and with 6 months of therapy, (sometimes more) the enlargement can be reversed, and all will be as it once was.

Finasteride – WARNING!

Finasteride is not a bed of roses, and as a potent androgen suppressor, (DHT is an androgen) it can lead to many unwanted problems. If you use Finasteride, you will severely diminish muscle hypertrophy, and this is an issue that is often left ignored, after all, so many are so concerned with hair. Such an effect can have a negative impact on our physical well-being as well as our sexual function. Make no mistake, we're not saying these side effects are assured, they are simply possible, but the adverse Finasteride side effects carry a greater probability than most of those related to anabolic androgenic steroids.

If used in the loop, the yield from the loop is reduced.