Iron Game

Here is another write up of mine. Quick brief history of the good ol' juice.

Some of you may already know this literature, some of you may not. But I want to tell you guys a little story about the origin of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids.

In 1849, a German physiologist and zoologist that goes by the name of Arnold Adolph Berthold, basically neutered (or removed the testicles from) roosters, and in conclusion the Roosters showed loss traits of male characteristics. Basically, this taught him that having balls is what makes a man, a man. This has nothing to do with AAS as we know of it today, but at the time it was a step closer to understanding what is to be understood.

Fast forward to March 24, 1903. A little boy in which we should have high respect for, named Adolf Federick Johann Butenandt, was born in Bremerhaven, Germany. This smart son of a bitch, grew up and studied chemistry at the Universities of Marburg and Göttingen. He later graduated and became a professor for the University of Berlin, and was also a biochemist.

Now in 1931, being very intrigued by Berthold's experiment, Butenandt somehow found a way and was able to extract the hormone androstenone from a couple of liters of pregnant women's urine. After this his buddy, whos also a German biochemist, Leopold Ruzicka was able to synthesize this hormone and make it safe for human consumption. Once they accomplished that, the first ever BATCH of PURE TESTOSTERONE was made in 1935. It was just pure testosterone, no esters. This was such a huge breakthrough in science, that Butenandt and Ruzicka won the Noble Prize of Chemistry in 1939. Imagine that! Winning NOBLE PRIZE for cooking up a batch of fresh pure testosterone.

Now this is when we start seeing steroids doing its thing in performance enhancement. In the late 1930s, the first ever made esterfied testosterone, was Testosterone Propionate. During 40's, The Soviet Union were dominating the Olympics. They were bigger, they were faster, they were stronger, and they were meaner. They were at the top of their A game, and no one was going to stop them (or atleast they thought). Why were they so good? Because they were on the JUICE!

An American Physician named John Bosley Ziegler, who worked part time chemistry research for Ciba Pharmaceuticals, went to Vienna with the American Weightlifting team in October of 1954. Not to mention Ziegler was actually an enthusiastic weightlifter himself. There he met a drunken Russian physicist, in which he learned from of the USSR's steroid use. He went back to the US, and decided to test the steroid on himself and three other weightlifters, in hopes that the American team would catch up with the Soviet Union.

He learned that the use of Testosterone propionate resulted in more weight and strength gain than ANY training program can produced. But there was ONE problem; side effects. While having access to Ciba Pharmaceuticals, he used this to his advantage in assisting him to come up with another compound that can mimic the same effects of testosterone but without the nasty side effects it came with. In Ciba Pharmaceuticals, he was able to pull out books and data from Germany where experiments of testosterone were confiscated by good ol' U S of A and in return, he came up with a nice little tablet form of an anabolic androgenic steroid called METHANDROSTENOLONE. Or as we know; Dbol.

Four years later, Ciba Pharmaceuticals were first to market the drug, and the FDA actually approved Dianabol for human use... The Food and Drug Administration actually said YES! ITS OKAY TO USE A STEROID TO GET BIG AND STRONG. 1960 Olympics came and he fed all the American weightlifters Dianabol, and went head to head with the Russians in Rome but the US team still lost. When this happened, Dr.Ziegler gave up all hope in experimentation and later found out that someone taking 20 times the recommended dose developed a liver condition. He actually REGRETS inventing Dianabol. He was quoted somewhere, that if he could he would go back in time, he would erase everything he has done.

Well there you have it, the first two ever steroids made. Testosterone and Methandrostenolone. Man, if only Ziegler was smart enough to stack Dianabol with Testosterone Propionate, the United States weightlifting team would have gone far passed the Russians.
Here is another write up of mine. Quick brief history of the good ol' juice.

Some of you may already know this literature, some of you may not. But I want to tell you guys a little story about the origin of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids.

In 1849, a German physiologist and zoologist that goes by the name of Arnold Adolph Berthold, basically neutered (or removed the testicles from) roosters, and in conclusion the Roosters showed loss traits of male characteristics. Basically, this taught him that having balls is what makes a man, a man. This has nothing to do with AAS as we know of it today, but at the time it was a step closer to understanding what is to be understood.

Fast forward to March 24, 1903. A little boy in which we should have high respect for, named Adolf Federick Johann Butenandt, was born in Bremerhaven, Germany. This smart son of a bitch, grew up and studied chemistry at the Universities of Marburg and Göttingen. He later graduated and became a professor for the University of Berlin, and was also a biochemist.

Now in 1931, being very intrigued by Berthold's experiment, Butenandt somehow found a way and was able to extract the hormone androstenone from a couple of liters of pregnant women's urine. After this his buddy, whos also a German biochemist, Leopold Ruzicka was able to synthesize this hormone and make it safe for human consumption. Once they accomplished that, the first ever BATCH of PURE TESTOSTERONE was made in 1935. It was just pure testosterone, no esters. This was such a huge breakthrough in science, that Butenandt and Ruzicka won the Noble Prize of Chemistry in 1939. Imagine that! Winning NOBLE PRIZE for cooking up a batch of fresh pure testosterone.

Now this is when we start seeing steroids doing its thing in performance enhancement. In the late 1930s, the first ever made esterfied testosterone, was Testosterone Propionate. During 40's, The Soviet Union were dominating the Olympics. They were bigger, they were faster, they were stronger, and they were meaner. They were at the top of their A game, and no one was going to stop them (or atleast they thought). Why were they so good? Because they were on the JUICE!

An American Physician named John Bosley Ziegler, who worked part time chemistry research for Ciba Pharmaceuticals, went to Vienna with the American Weightlifting team in October of 1954. Not to mention Ziegler was actually an enthusiastic weightlifter himself. There he met a drunken Russian physicist, in which he learned from of the USSR's steroid use. He went back to the US, and decided to test the steroid on himself and three other weightlifters, in hopes that the American team would catch up with the Soviet Union.

He learned that the use of Testosterone propionate resulted in more weight and strength gain than ANY training program can produced. But there was ONE problem; side effects. While having access to Ciba Pharmaceuticals, he used this to his advantage in assisting him to come up with another compound that can mimic the same effects of testosterone but without the nasty side effects it came with. In Ciba Pharmaceuticals, he was able to pull out books and data from Germany where experiments of testosterone were confiscated by good ol' U S of A and in return, he came up with a nice little tablet form of an anabolic androgenic steroid called METHANDROSTENOLONE. Or as we know; Dbol.

Four years later, Ciba Pharmaceuticals were first to market the drug, and the FDA actually approved Dianabol for human use... The Food and Drug Administration actually said YES! ITS OKAY TO USE A STEROID TO GET BIG AND STRONG. 1960 Olympics came and he fed all the American weightlifters Dianabol, and went head to head with the Russians in Rome but the US team still lost. When this happened, Dr.Ziegler gave up all hope in experimentation and later found out that someone taking 20 times the recommended dose developed a liver condition. He actually REGRETS inventing Dianabol. He was quoted somewhere, that if he could he would go back in time, he would erase everything he has done.

Well there you have it, the first two ever steroids made. Testosterone and Methandrostenolone. Man, if only Ziegler was smart enough to stack Dianabol with Testosterone Propionate, the United States weightlifting team would have gone far passed the Russians.
Very cool post brother!

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