The Principal Consequence of Growth Hormone is Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I), aka Somatomedin C


Staff member
The Dominant Effector of Growth Hormone is Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-1). Now where Bodybuilding and Development is concerned, it is this IGF-1 that exerts the greatest influence on muscle tissue cell proliferation or to put it into layman’s terms........BUILDING MUSCLE!

Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I), also known as Somatomedin C, is the Prevailing Response of Growth Hormone (GH) and is structurally homologous to Proinsulin. What is Proinsulin you ask, and the answer is intuitively simple in that Pro-Insulin is a substance produced in/and by the pancreas that is converted to Insulin.

Proinsulin is what your body needs in order to turn food into energy.

Human IGF-I is synthesized as two precursor isoforms with N- and alternative C‑terminal propeptides. These isoforms are differentially expressed by various tissues. The 7.6 kDa mature IGF‑I is identical between isoforms and is generated by proteolytic removal of the N- and C-terminal regions. Mature human IGF-I shares 94% and 96% amino acid (aa) sequence identity with the mouse and rat orthologs, respectively.

Growth Hormone (G.H.) stimulates the production of IGF-1 in the majority of tissues. Hepatocytes produce circulating IGF-I, while local IGF-I is produced by many other tissues in which it has paracrine effects.

  • IGF-I induces the proliferation, migration, and differentiation of a wide variety of cell types during development and postnatally.
  • IGF-I regulates glucose, fatty acid, and protein metabolism, steroid hormone activity, and cartilage and bone metabolism .
  • IGF-I plays an important role in muscle regeneration progression.
  • IGF-I binds IGF-I R, IGF-II R, and the Insulin Receptor, although its effects are mediated primarily by IGF-I R .
  • IGF-I also binds with strong affinity to IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs), which regulate the availability and biological activities of IGF-I.

Long R3 IGF-I (LR3 IGF-I) is a 9.2 kDa synthetic analog of IGF-I that is generated by modifying the aa sequence for mature human IGF-I.

These modifications include the substitution of an Arg for Glu at position 3 of the mature IGF-1 sequence and the addition of a thirteen aa N-terminal extension, which is derived from methionyl porcine Growth Hormone.

These aa changes generate a protein that is still capable of binding to IGF-I and Insulin receptors, but shows considerably lower affinity binding to IGFBPs compared to wild-type IGF-I.

As a result, LR3 IGF-I has an increased half-life and displays increased biological potency compared to IGF-I.

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  • Oh Now I Know:
    1. Arg being Arginine (when referenced in differences between IGF-1 & IGF-1 LongR3)
    2. Glu being Glutamic acid ( (when referenced in differences between IGF-1 & IGF-1 LongR3)
    3. Growth Hormone can be thought of as a Precursor to IGF-1, and IGF-1 LongR3.

  • Proper Name:
    Insulin-like Growth Factor I

  • Gene Identifications:
    3479 (Human); 16000 (Mouse); 24482 (Rat)

  • Alternate Names:
    IBP1; IGF1; IGF-1; IGF1A; IGFI; IGF-I; IGF-IA; IGF-IB; insulin-like growth factor 1 (somatomedin C); insulin-like growth factor 1; insulin-like growth factor I; insulin-like growth factor IA; insulin-like growth factor IB; Mechano growth factor; MGF; Somatomedin A; Somatomedin C; somatomedin-C

[FONT=verdana, futura, sans-serif]
Peptide Sciences or MuscleChemistry Abbreviation Guide Can Be Found Below When Referencing Amino Acid Sequences. Know How You Grow! Amino Acid BodyBuilding Blocks .

[h=2]Amino Acids[/h][COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.792157)][FONT=museo_sans300]

Proteinogenic Amino Acids
AspAspartic acidD
AsxAsn or Asp
GluGlutamic acidE
GlxGln or Glu

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I was told I used the wrong “principal” in this article, and am I missing something? I think thats the correct one isn’t it?

Anyhow, regardless of the spelling, the information is spot on
i did it, lmao. it was just an observation. i see words all the time used the wrong way because of what is thought to be. like effect and affect, or to and too, or principle and principal. it isn't a big thing. didn't think it would get this much attention, lmao.
i did it, lmao. it was just an observation. i see words all the time used the wrong way because of what is thought to be. like effect and affect, or to and too, or principle and principal. it isn't a big thing. didn't think it would get this much attention, lmao.

well I kept it alive and asked others because I think you were mistaken about using the wrong principle in the Peptide forum post where this article was originally posted. So it was driving me nuts wondering what I was missing or what wasnt I understanding, cause I had looked it up after you said that, and I think it turns out I did use properr one, I think anyhow lol
lmao, hence it bugged me too. so i had to see if there were other definitions for principal other than referring to the head of a school, which was how it was always explained in english, lol. after looking it up, i would say that yes it is in proper use and i was mistaken. i found this to be helpful:
Still not sure about principal vs. principle?

If you’re unsure whether to use principle or principal, try thinking about the context. Generally speaking, a principle is a rule, standard, or belief of one kind or another. As an adjective, principal means ‘most important’, while a principal is – generally speaking – a person who is most important in a particular organization or group.

i believe you are correct. i apologize, i stand corrected.
well I kept it alive and asked others because I think you were mistaken about using the wrong principle in the Peptide forum post where this article was originally posted. So it was driving me nuts wondering what I was missing or what wasnt I understanding, cause I had looked it up after you said that, and I think it turns out I did use properr one, I think anyhow lol

i'm beginning to think you're as ocd as bad as i am, lmao. i had to go look it up, too, because of this. look at post above, lol.
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yes, sorry, im just now seeing this and nah no OCD here, I just like to know when or if I’ve been using the wrong spelling for years, lol. There have been a few things that I have used wrong for so long that when I was finally made aware of it, and thought back to how much I had been using or doing or spelling it wrong, that it was embarrassing lol So now I like to try to be diligent lol

For example I used to call our governments overall debt a deficit & did not know that deficit was the word we used for the year to year over under, black/red etc..

IDK, things like this that you know you have used when speaking or writing to people many times, and come to find out they either didnt know or were to polite to make you feel like an asshole, lol,

So Diligent and yeah maybe some OCD lmao I mean who writes an explanation about such a small thing like this reply here. lol
lmao, people like us. i never really considered that i was ocd, until i started looking at myself and some of the things i do. my wife use to call me a perfectionist, too. to other people, yeah i was, just not to me, lol.
HGH has its place! But when it comes to building muscle and losing fat through body recomp, IGF-1 lr3 is the way to go!
Top side for a solid understanding how this works and why IGF-1 and especially igf-1 lr3 is more beneficial for bodybuilding needs than just HGH alone