Free Diet Advice from 3J


Musclechemistry Member

thought i'd put this out here.. this is my sticky for diet critique..

if you want diet advice, please read through everything and then post up your proposed diet..

Welcome to the boards diet forum....

if you have not already done so, post up your stats

goals.. be specific

please take the time to follow these directions, they will better prepair the both of us for the critique and tweaking of your diet..

you need to figure our your BMR (this is the basal metabolic rate of your body... which means if you were to do nothing all day, ur body would burn these many calories)

once u'v figured out your BMR, u need your TDEE (this is your total daily energy expenditure, it's based upon your activity level)

But first things first, please post up your current diet.. you have to be brutally honest about what you've been eating on average for the last few weeks so i know where your metabolism is at..
please include macros

MACROS = pro/fat/cal/carb of every meal and a daily total on the bottom
you can use fitday . com to help you our with this... be as detailed and specific as possible

please include the time of when u eat and the time of your workout

example: (btw these macros are not correct, just an example)

6am pro/carb/fat/cal
10 egg whites 50/0/0/200
1/2 cup oats- 3/50/2/218


1g protien - 4cal
1g carb - 4cal
1g fat - 9cal
1g alcohol - 8cal (some would argue 7)

also tell me what your workout reg is...

BMR formula #1 (if you bf is high, use this one... you need an accurate bf reading)

BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

in order to figure out your bmr, you need to know what your lean body mass is.. so, in turn, u need to know what your body fat percentage is...

if you dont know your bodyfat percentage, go to your gym and get tested (please dont use electronic scales to get your bf checked, they're horrible)

if you cannot find a gym to get tested at, please post up a picture for estimates, we're pretty good at it (you also have the option of pming it to me if you have more then 25 posts)

Total weight x bf in decimel form = total bf weight

Total weight - total bf weight = total lean body mass

if your total lean body mass is in lbs, u can divide it by 2.2 to get it in kilograms..

for example..

i am 6'4 275lbs at 14% bf... so i would multiply 275 by .14 (converted from percent to decimal)= 38.5lbs

275 - 38.5 = 236.5lbs lean body weight

236.5 / 2.2 = 107.5 lean mass in kg

370 + (21.6 x 107.5) = 2692 BMR (this is high for the average person, im a big guy)

BMR formula #2 (only to be used if your bf is low)

Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

female BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )


Once u have you bmr, u need to calculate your TDEE, this is simply done with some multiplication...

you can multiply it by an activity number to figure out your daily caloric expenditure, be honest here as this is the very cornerstone of your diet, if you are between two of the below activity levels then just multiply by a number in between them

To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

I should also give you an idea of what dieting should look like... you need to make sure every last calorie you take in isn't an empty calorie... every time you eat you should be eating with a purpose which is to fuel your body for growth and fat loss (predicated on your goals)...

Good meats/protien to eat..

Chicken Breast
Turkey Breast
Eggs/Egg Whites
Bison/Deer Meat
93% and up lean beef (ground beef, roast beef, london broil are just a few examples)
Fish (tuna, salmon, talipa etc..)

Good Complex Carbs

Oats (not that instant crap, all natural steel cut/rolled oats)
Sweet potatos
Wheat Bread (no, not the enriched type)
Ezekiel Bread
Glutin Free Bread

Good Essential Fatty Acids

Avocado (my fav)
EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
Fish Oil

You can google endless more where that came from.. get creative..

Also, try to seperate your pro/carb and pro/fat meals, usually leaving your pro/fat meals for bedtime... Beefs should be eaten closer to bed time and usually falls between the last and second to last meal


This is my PERSONAL bulking diet, its customized for my needs.. use it as motivation and reference, but do not follow it to the T because we'll customize one for you...

meal1 cal/fat/carb/pro
3 xl whole eggs 249/17.3/1.3/21.9
8 egg whites 137/0.4/1.9/28.8
1 cup oats 311/5.1/54.3/13

meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz chicken breast w/o skin 209/4.5/0/39.4
2 medium sweet potatos 230/0.4/53.5/4.1
1/2 tablespoon olive oil 60/6.8/0/0

meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz turkey breast 370/18.80/49
7oz yams 234/0.3/55.3/3.0
1 tablespoon olive oil 119/13.5/0/0

meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz salmon 331/13.4/0/491
1 cup red kidney beans 330/14.9/36.9/14

pwo cal/fat/carb/pro
whey shake 258/2/0/0/60
2 cup blueberries 165/1/42/2.1

meal 5 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz chicken breast w/o skin 209/4.5/0/39.4
1 tablespoon olive oil 119/13.5/0/0

meal 6 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz london broil 347/14.1/0/51.7
1 whole avocado 277/25.4/14.8/3.5

Daily totals

Calories: 4140 Fat: 157 Carbs: 320 Protien: 379

This is my sample cutting diet.. again, the calories are a bit higher because im a bigger guy.. make sure to have one customized for you....

meal1 cal/fat/carb/pro
8 large egg whites 137/0.4/1.9/28.7
2 large whole eggs 167/12.2/1.3/12.3
1 cup oats 311/5.1/54.3/13

meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro
6oz chicken breast w/o skin 177/3.8/0/33.2
1/2 tablespoon olive oil 60/6.8/0/0
1 oz (about 22 pieces) almonds 172/15.6/5/6

meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro
6oz chicken breast w/o skin 177/3.8/0/33.2
1 1/2 medium sweet potato 172/0.3/40.1/3.1

pwo cal/fat/carb/pro
whey shake 258/2/0/60
1 white bagel 270/1.7/53/10.5

meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz turkey breast 379/18.8/0/49

meal5 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz salmon 331/13.4/0/49

meal6 cal/fat/carb/pro
6oz london broil 260/10.6/0/38.8
1/2 avocado 138/12.7/7.4/1.7

also, 3 servings of veggies daily.. the greener they are the better it is... i usually do 2 cups of brocolli.. but its your disgretion
Daily Totals

Calories: 3008 Fat: 107.4 Carbs: 163 Protien: 278.6

You can run a great many types of diets.. low carb, high carb, carb cycle, keto, etc.... there is no ONE right way.. the best thing you can do is pick one and stick to it while paying attention to how your body is reacting to it... some people are carb sensetive, some are not... you'll have to find out yourself

MICROCALIBRATION - Microcalibration is a must for dieting.. usually based upon your goals you will be set either 500 calories above or below your TDEE. This is a starting point and you need to be checking yourself by weight or measurment every week to scale how your body reacts..

try to remember that dieting is not an overnight thing.. it takes time and patience....

When you've completed reading all this feel free to post up your diet for critique..
Re: Free Diet Advice

First and foremost, thank you for your time and willingness to provide free advice. Secondly, I am what most would consider “fresh meat” as I am less than a day old on this site, so please be gentle =]

Age: 29
Weight: 263 lbs
Height: 6’2’’
BF: 18% based on Cosmed Bod Pod
Goals: Cut BF to < 10% while ideally maintaining as much muscle as possible in the shortest amount of time possible.

BMR: 2230
TDEE: 3238

Current Diet (12 days in):

Days 1-6 follow the protocol outlined below, maintaining < 30 g of carbohydrates. Day 7 (going to be Fridays for me) is only different by adding 1 lb of organic jasmine rice to meal 5, which is roughly 258 g of carbohydrates itself and additional 1032 kCals.

8AM Meal 1: 3 Whole Eggs + 1 lb Bacon = 65P/78F

11AM Meal 2: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa = 54P/5C/5.5F

1PM Meal 3: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa = 54P/5C/5.5F

3PM Meal 4: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa = 54P/5C/5.5F

5PM Workout (See below)

PWO Shake + Greens = 24P/3C

7PM Meal 5: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa = 54P/5C/5.5F

Intake: 305P/23C/100F = 2212 kCal

Workout (5 day split, no rest days)

Day 1: Chest & Calves
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders & Calves
Day 5: Arms

Labs (monitored quarterly):

Testosterone is provided via TRT and maintained at least 1200 ng/dL (total test) and 20 ng/dL (free test).

Estrogen is monitored and controlled with anastrozole.

Hematocrit is monitored and controlled via blood donations and baby aspirin.

All other labs (i.e. LFTs, lipids, etc.) are WNL.

Centrum multivitamin BID
1 mL Lions Mane extract
1 mL Cordiceps extract
3.5 g CLA (not calculated in above diet)
4 g of DHA/EPA combo (not calculated in above diet)
Pre-workout: 1 scoop Post Jym + 6 g Citrulline Malate
Post-workout: 1 scoop Post Jym + aforementioned protocol in diet section

Energy, focus, and appetite are controlled via self-dosing/titration of Adderall.

I just ordered the anniversary special consisting of 8 IGF-1 Lr3 + 2 MK-2866 and would like to request advice for incorporating these into my protocol. I plan to run 60 mcg of IGF-1 Lr3 daily and 35 mg (1 mL) MK-2866 daily.

Hopefully this is enough information for us to at least get started. Thank you once again for your time.
First and foremost, thank you for your time and willingness to provide free advice. Secondly, I am what most would consider “fresh meat” as I am less than a day old on this site, so please be gentle =]

Age: 29
Weight: 263 lbs
Height: 6’2’’
BF: 18% based on Cosmed Bod Pod
Goals: Cut BF to < 10% while ideally maintaining as much muscle as possible in the shortest amount of time possible.

BMR: 2230
TDEE: 3238

Current Diet (12 days in):

Days 1-6 follow the protocol outlined below, maintaining < 30 g of carbohydrates. Day 7 (going to be Fridays for me) is only different by adding 1 lb of organic jasmine rice to meal 5, which is roughly 258 g of carbohydrates itself and additional 1032 kCals.

8AM Meal 1: 3 Whole Eggs + 1 lb Bacon = 65P/78F

11AM Meal 2: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa = 54P/5C/5.5F

1PM Meal 3: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa = 54P/5C/5.5F

3PM Meal 4: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa = 54P/5C/5.5F

5PM Workout (See below)

PWO Shake + Greens = 24P/3C

7PM Meal 5: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa = 54P/5C/5.5F

Intake: 305P/23C/100F = 2212 kCal

Workout (5 day split, no rest days)

Day 1: Chest & Calves
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders & Calves
Day 5: Arms

Labs (monitored quarterly):

Testosterone is provided via TRT and maintained at least 1200 ng/dL (total test) and 20 ng/dL (free test).

Estrogen is monitored and controlled with anastrozole.

Hematocrit is monitored and controlled via blood donations and baby aspirin.

All other labs (i.e. LFTs, lipids, etc.) are WNL.

Centrum multivitamin BID
1 mL Lions Mane extract
1 mL Cordiceps extract
3.5 g CLA (not calculated in above diet)
4 g of DHA/EPA combo (not calculated in above diet)
Pre-workout: 1 scoop Post Jym + 6 g Citrulline Malate
Post-workout: 1 scoop Post Jym + aforementioned protocol in diet section

Energy, focus, and appetite are controlled via self-dosing/titration of Adderall.

I just ordered the anniversary special consisting of 8 IGF-1 Lr3 + 2 MK-2866 and would like to request advice for incorporating these into my protocol. I plan to run 60 mcg of IGF-1 Lr3 daily and 35 mg (1 mL) MK-2866 daily.

Hopefully this is enough information for us to at least get started. Thank you once again for your time.
ok im seeing some macro timing issues here...

1lb bacon?? are you serious?? lol thats the first time i have ever seen that.. i highly recommend you reduce your
fat in meal 1 and spread it throughout the day while increasing your egg intake.. eggs are fast acting proteins, something your body needs first thing in the morning after a fast
so you are running a keto diet... the high protein is ok on a keto diet..

you need to change your last meal to a lean beef... same weight of london broil would be ideal.. you need a slow digesting protein there.. and beef is king for that

other concerns.. your tdee is 3200 calories.. youre eating 1000 calories below that.. even with 300g protein and a trt dosage you can expect to lose muscle..

you seem to have a time constraint.. if you didn't i would have recommended you only drop to 2500 calories

have you successfully ran a keto diet like this before??is this your first time running it??

if your stats are correct youve got a very solid base and will look very good at 10%
Regarding bacon, I have recalculated macros based on the following:

I start with 1 lb raw which contains 56P/72F. I then cook out fat, bringing total weight down 50%, resulting in 56P/36F. I will now spread this throughout meals 1-4 as per your advice.

Revision 1:

8AM Meal 1: 6 Whole Eggs + 2 oz Bacon = 50P/33F

11AM Meal 2: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa + 2 oz Bacon = 68P/5C/14.5F

1PM Meal 3: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa + 2 oz Bacon = 68P/5C/14.5F

3PM Meal 4: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa + 2 oz Bacon = 68P/5C/14.5F

5PM Workout (See below)

PWO Shake + Greens = 24P/3C

7PM Meal 5: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa = 54P/5C/5.5F

9PM Meal 6: 8 oz London Broil = 47P/6.5F

Intake: 379P/23C/88.5F @ 2404.5 kCal

Questions answered:

Time restraint: Other than the fear of dying fat and hating what I see in the mirror, I really have no time restraints. My wife left me on Thanksgiving for another man so now I am just focusing on improving myself. I have attempted to get closer to the 2500 calories you mentioned.

Keto diet: I have never performed a monitored diet of this nature before. Over the course of my previous military deployments I was keto numerous times simply due to the nature of the beast. During these times, I was lean, focused, and felt very good. I have no science to back this up, but perhaps this has screwed with my sensitivity to carbs. Therefore it’s no surprise that I have not responded well in the past to diets consisting of waking up and pounding some oats and/or having sweet potatoes throughout the day.
Regarding bacon, I have recalculated macros based on the following:

I start with 1 lb raw which contains 56P/72F. I then cook out fat, bringing total weight down 50%, resulting in 56P/36F. I will now spread this throughout meals 1-4 as per your advice.

Revision 1:

8AM Meal 1: 6 Whole Eggs + 2 oz Bacon = 50P/33F

11AM Meal 2: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa + 2 oz Bacon = 68P/5C/14.5F

1PM Meal 3: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa + 2 oz Bacon = 68P/5C/14.5F

3PM Meal 4: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa + 2 oz Bacon = 68P/5C/14.5F

5PM Workout (See below)

PWO Shake + Greens = 24P/3C

7PM Meal 5: 8 oz Chicken Breast Tenderloin + Salsa = 54P/5C/5.5F

9PM Meal 6: 8 oz London Broil = 47P/6.5F

Intake: 379P/23C/88.5F @ 2404.5 kCal

Questions answered:

Time restraint: Other than the fear of dying fat and hating what I see in the mirror, I really have no time restraints. My wife left me on Thanksgiving for another man so now I am just focusing on improving myself. I have attempted to get closer to the 2500 calories you mentioned.

Keto diet: I have never performed a monitored diet of this nature before. Over the course of my previous military deployments I was keto numerous times simply due to the nature of the beast. During these times, I was lean, focused, and felt very good. I have no science to back this up, but perhaps this has screwed with my sensitivity to carbs. Therefore it’s no surprise that I have not responded well in the past to diets consisting of waking up and pounding some oats and/or having sweet potatoes throughout the day.
a keto diet has to be high in fat.. reduce your protein intake to 250g..

honestly you need to drop the bacon.. i dont know why youre stuck on it.. keep your bacon for breakfast and get rid of the rest..

reduce your proten to 250

so you have to replace the calories... 180g protein is 720 calories... you need 80 more grams of fat..

use peanut butter, avocado, olive oil... stop eating that much bacon.. lol

remember its also about a balance of fats, not just fat intake!!!

also, salsa is not a replacement for veggies.. i want to see green leafy veggies in your diet..

start at 2500 calories with no cardio.. youre looking for 1-2lbs weight loss a week.. as you stall slowly add cardio to keep it going.. you shouldn't need to drop under 2500 calories when you slowly raise your
age 40
weight 198lbs
height 6'0
bf 21% (fat weight 43lbs, lean weight 155lbs)
goals fat loss,lean mass
bmr 1848
tdee 3523

Meal 1 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
2 Whole Eggs 147/13/0/10
5 Egg Whites 100/17/0/0
Oats - 1cup 300/10/54/6
Totals 547/40/54/16

Meal 2 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Cottage Cheese 2% – 8oz 200/28/10/6
Almonds – (20) 140/7/6/19
Banana 105/2/31/0
Totals 445/37/47/25

Meal 3 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Chicken Breasts – 8oz 220/58/0/2
Brown Rice – 1cup 230/5/45/4
Sweet Potato - 4oz 103/2/24/0
Totals 553/55/69/6

Meal 4 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Protein Powder – 2sc 240/50/4/4
Skim Milk – 10oz 100/10/14/0
Banana 105/2/31/0
Natural PB – 1tbsp 105/4/3/8
Totals 550/66/52/12

Meal 5 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Chicken Breast – 8oz 220/58/0/2
Sweet Potato - 4oz 103/2/24/0
Totals 323/60/24/2

Meal 6 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Protein Powder – 1sc 120/25/2/2
Skim Milk – 10oz 100/10/14/0
Natural PB – 1tbsp 105/4/3/8
Totals 325/39/19/10

Calories Protein Carbs Fat
Totals - 2887 297(1188) 265(1060) 71(639)

hopefully ive written all the requirements necessary for critiquing. ill b using the above mentioned diet with the following stack:

Wks 1-18 Test-E 600mg/wk
Wks 1-16 Equipose 750mg/wk
Wks 1-6 D-Bol 40mg/d
wks 7-18 Masteron 400mg/wk

good or bad, ill b looking forward 2 ur help buddy n thanx 3J
also, salsa is not a replacement for veggies.. i want to see green leafy veggies in your diet..

Wait, what? What if it is the Green Salsa - does it count as greens then? ;)

Personally, I use salsa and kale as a pick me up to many things - just have to watch the carbs and the salt in many salsas! Kale, well that is just plain Good Eats.
ok.. what multiplier did you use?? youre gonna have to justify that high multiplier because at 1.55 i have your tdee at 2750 roughly

age 40
weight 198lbs
height 6'0
bf 21% (fat weight 43lbs, lean weight 155lbs)
goals fat loss,lean mass
bmr 1848
tdee 3523

Meal 1 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
2 Whole Eggs 147/13/0/10
5 Egg Whites 100/17/0/0
Oats - 1cup 300/10/54/6
Totals 547/40/54/16

Meal 2 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Cottage Cheese 2% – 8oz 200/28/10/6
Almonds – (20) 140/7/6/19
Banana 105/2/31/0
Totals 445/37/47/25

Meal 3 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Chicken Breasts – 8oz 220/58/0/2
Brown Rice – 1cup 230/5/45/4
Sweet Potato - 4oz 103/2/24/0
Totals 553/55/69/6

Meal 4 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Protein Powder – 2sc 240/50/4/4
Skim Milk – 10oz 100/10/14/0
Banana 105/2/31/0
Natural PB – 1tbsp 105/4/3/8
Totals 550/66/52/12

Meal 5 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Chicken Breast – 8oz 220/58/0/2
Sweet Potato - 4oz 103/2/24/0
Totals 323/60/24/2

Meal 6 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Protein Powder – 1sc 120/25/2/2
Skim Milk – 10oz 100/10/14/0
Natural PB – 1tbsp 105/4/3/8
Totals 325/39/19/10

Calories Protein Carbs Fat
Totals - 2887 297(1188) 265(1060) 71(639)

hopefully ive written all the requirements necessary for critiquing. ill b using the above mentioned diet with the following stack:

Wks 1-18 Test-E 600mg/wk
Wks 1-16 Equipose 750mg/wk
Wks 1-6 D-Bol 40mg/d
wks 7-18 Masteron 400mg/wk

good or bad, ill b looking forward 2 ur help buddy n thanx 3J
evening 3J...well i used the multiplier on You are a 40 year old male who is 6'0 tall and weighs 198lbs with heavy exercise= 3,185kcals/d
evening 3J...well i used the multiplier on You are a 40 year old male who is 6'0 tall and weighs 198lbs with heavy exercise= 3,185kcals/d
ok... tell me what your workout routine is.. again i need you to justify that multiplier
im guessing since my activity level is Heavy Exercise, thus the high caloric intake my body needs to maintain my weight. ive done it on about 3 different multipliers n they all register between 3100-3500kcal/d. if u have a different way of measuring it, ill b more than happy to go by ur preferred method. my workout routine is as follows:

Sunday: Chest/Biceps/Calves

• Flat Bench Presses: 5 Sets x 8 Reps
• Incline Dumbbell Presses: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Flat Dumbbell Flyes: 3 Sets x 8 Reps
• Close Grip Bench Presses: 4 Sets x 8 Reps

• Straight Barbell Curls: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Close EZ Bar Curls: 4 Sets x 8 Reps

• Standing Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Seated Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

Monday: Legs/Abs

• Squats: 5 Sets x 8 Reps
• Leg Presses: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Stiff-Legged Deadlifts: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Leg Extensions: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Leg Curls: 4 Sets x 8 Reps

• Straight Leg Lifts: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Bent Knee Leg Lifts: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Incline Sit-Ups: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

Tuesday: OFF

Wednesday: Back/Calves

• Cable Pulldowns: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Reverse Barbell Rows: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Dumbbell Rows: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Barbell Shrugs: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Rear Shrugs: 3 Sets x 8 Reps

• Standing Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Seated Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

Thursday: OFF

Friday: Shoulders/Triceps/Abs

• Rear Military Presses: 5 Sets x 12 Reps
• Front Military Presses: 5 Sets x 12 Reps
• Bent-Over Laterals: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

• Nose Breakers: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Dips: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Tricep Pushdowns: 4 Sets x 8 Reps

• Straight Leg Lifts: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Bent Knee Leg Lifts: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Incline Sit-Ups: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

Saturday: OFF
are you already on the diet that you have posted?? if so for how long? how has your weight moved??

are your reducing cals on non workout days?

im guessing since my activity level is Heavy Exercise, thus the high caloric intake my body needs to maintain my weight. ive done it on about 3 different multipliers n they all register between 3100-3500kcal/d. if u have a different way of measuring it, ill b more than happy to go by ur preferred method. my workout routine is as follows:

Sunday: Chest/Biceps/Calves

• Flat Bench Presses: 5 Sets x 8 Reps
• Incline Dumbbell Presses: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Flat Dumbbell Flyes: 3 Sets x 8 Reps
• Close Grip Bench Presses: 4 Sets x 8 Reps

• Straight Barbell Curls: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Close EZ Bar Curls: 4 Sets x 8 Reps

• Standing Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Seated Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

Monday: Legs/Abs

• Squats: 5 Sets x 8 Reps
• Leg Presses: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Stiff-Legged Deadlifts: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Leg Extensions: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Leg Curls: 4 Sets x 8 Reps

• Straight Leg Lifts: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Bent Knee Leg Lifts: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Incline Sit-Ups: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

Tuesday: OFF

Wednesday: Back/Calves

• Cable Pulldowns: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Reverse Barbell Rows: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Dumbbell Rows: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Barbell Shrugs: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Rear Shrugs: 3 Sets x 8 Reps

• Standing Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Seated Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

Thursday: OFF

Friday: Shoulders/Triceps/Abs

• Rear Military Presses: 5 Sets x 12 Reps
• Front Military Presses: 5 Sets x 12 Reps
• Bent-Over Laterals: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

• Nose Breakers: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Dips: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Tricep Pushdowns: 4 Sets x 8 Reps

• Straight Leg Lifts: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Bent Knee Leg Lifts: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Incline Sit-Ups: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

Saturday: OFF
evening 3J, hows it been? well to answer your question, no i havent started the above mentioned diet. im waiting to start at he beginning of cycle, but as of now im just getting everything ready, as i dont start anything until im completely ready. so how would u tweak my diet, including my off days?
age 40
weight 198lbs
height 6'0
bf 21% (fat weight 43lbs, lean weight 155lbs)
goals fat loss,lean mass
bmr 1848
tdee 3523

Meal 1 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
2 Whole Eggs 147/13/0/10
5 Egg Whites 100/17/0/0
Oats - 1cup 300/10/54/6
Totals 547/40/54/16j
Meal 2 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Cottage Cheese 2% – 8oz 200/28/10/6
Almonds – (20) 140/7/6/19
Banana 105/2/31/0
Totals 445/37/47/25

Meal 3 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Chicken Breasts – 8oz 220/58/0/2
Brown Rice – 1cup 230/5/45/4
Sweet Potato - 4oz 103/2/24/0
Totals 553/55/69/6
good, add veggies

Meal 4 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Protein Powder – 2sc 240/50/4/4
Skim Milk – 10oz 100/10/14/0
Banana 105/2/31/0
Natural PB – 1tbsp 105/4/3/8
Totals 550/66/52/1

is this post workout?? move the pb to meal 6.. move the banana to pre workout.. remove the skim milk.. your post workout nutrition should be fast acting.. just do the whey and a white bagel.. milk and pb will slow down the digestive rate of your whey and reduce the necessary insulin spike you need
Meal 5 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Chicken Breast – 8oz 220/58/0/2
Sweet Potato - 4oz 103/2/24/0
Totals 323/60/24/2
good, add veggies

Meal 6 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat
Protein Powder – 1sc 120/25/2/2
Skim Milk – 10oz 100/10/14/0
Natural PB – 1tbsp 105/4/3/8
Totals 325/39/19/10
this is your last meal of the day, yet you used a fast acting protien.. switch to pure casein, cottage cheese, greek yogurt at 2%fat, or lean beef..

Calories Protein Carbs Fat
Totals - 2887 297(1188) 265(1060) 71(63
with my calculations this is your tdee. about 2800 calories.. please read below
hopefully ive written all the requirements necessary for critiquing. ill b using the above mentioned diet with the following stack:

Wks 1-18 Test-E 600mg/wk
Wks 1-16 Equipose 750mg/wk
Wks 1-6 D-Bol 40mg/d
wks 7-18 Masteron 400mg/wk

good or bad, ill b looking forward 2 ur help buddy n thanx 3J
i recommend you hold off on the cycle till the diet gets dialed in..

run this diet for 2 weeks.. check your weight fasted every thursday morning and see what is happening with your weight..

now you said gain muscle/lose fat.. which one is it?? you want to gain muscle?? or you want to cut?? to have both happen is very very sensitive and difficult..

on your non gym days, reduce cals by skipping your post workout nutrition
Man I'm 38
6'3" 230 13% fatty
I want to add 10-15 pounds on this next run
Test 700
Master 700
Tren 600
SD 25 ed for first 4 weeks
Anavar 100 tbol 60 ed last 6 weeks.
Caleries around 4000-5500 ed
Protein 230-270 ed
A ton of good carbs whole sd is run.
Is this efficient enough to gain 10-15 more pounds???
AWESUM 3J...ive already copied down your recommendations n i plan on doing what u said buddy, u aint "DA MAN" on here for nothing! well my goal is to cut, i know u cant gain n cut at the same time. also as u mentioned ill just cut off the Post Shake on my non-training days n on last meal at nite, ill just have sum Greek Yogurt w/PB sound good?
AWESUM 3J...ive already copied down your recommendations n i plan on doing what u said buddy, u aint "DA MAN" on here for nothing! well my goal is to cut, i know u cant gain n cut at the same time. also as u mentioned ill just cut off the Post Shake on my non-training days n on last meal at nite, ill just have sum Greek Yogurt w/PB sound good?

That works.. Have you read my proper wow t and measurements protocol?

- - - Updated - - -

Man I'm 38
6'3" 230 13% fatty
I want to add 10-15 pounds on this next run
Test 700
Master 700
Tren 600
SD 25 ed for first 4 weeks
Anavar 100 tbol 60 ed last 6 weeks.
Caleries around 4000-5500 ed
Protein 230-270 ed
A ton of good carbs whole sd is run.
Is this efficient enough to gain 10-15 more pounds???

4k to 5.5k?thats a big big range of calorie.

Your diet needs to be as static as possible.. You need to post a detailed diet..

I would love to help you but you must follow the instructions in post one.. Thanks brother!