Ketone Levels Alters Substrate Signaling


Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
theguerillachemist<!-- react-text: 64 -->

So this study on exogenous ketones was published last month and it contains a lot of data, so I'll try hit the highlights. 39 high-performance athletes were split into 5 groups to test different aspects of supplementing with ketone esters(KE). One group of 1hr of cycling at 75% of work max, athletes taking KE had 50% lower circulating lactate levels vs the CHO group. The group also burned more fat during exercise vs CHO group. At rest, BHB levels were >5mM, 3-fold higher than group taking CHO or Fats. Both at rest and during exercise, the KE group had the highest levels of lipid oxidation(fat burning). Supplementing with KE+CHO also showed preferential use of fats for energy vs CHO(spared glycogen). Average performance was increased with KE+CHO group vs CHO, with cyclists going 411m further. The study supports the fact that ingesting KE or having elevated ketone levels alters substrate signaling, (use of fats vs carbs) oxidation, and energy transduction in working muscle, independent of the effects of just elevated fats/reduced CHO. There were also higher levels of Krebs cycle intermediates which can contribute to more ATP production and energy, as well as increased fat burning both at rest and during exercise. Should be noted: the athletes ingested an extreme large amount of KE, roughly 45g! This is financially not feasible for most, so more studies at lower doses are needed to see if the effects are the same. It has been shown before that athletes in ketosis or using BHB salts have improved performance and time to exhaustion. This study was more about the biochemistry and physiological effects of nutritional ketosis and rest/exercise. Still very cool stuff. <!-- /react-text -->