9 Ways Your Green Smoothie Makes You Fat


Musclechemistry Member
9 Ways Your Green Smoothie Makes You Fat

fat loss

Health crazes. They come and go. Some lasting longer than others...

Like this green smoothie weight loss concept.

Sure, a green smoothie is packed with vital nutrients. And you’ll get plenty of fiber and maybe some omega 3’s…

Yet here's where it gets messy...

Because if you’re not careful, most of the ingredients you throw in your blender can cause some serious weight gain…

It doesn’t matter how healthy the ingredients are.

Because there’s a difference between weight management and being healthy…

And that goes for both sides of the coin…

Whether you’re overweight, or extremely lean… both are unhealthy in their own way.

Yet since you’re here… I believe you want BOTH. Good health and a fit and firm body. So let’s not let your green smoothie fix sabotage your results, okay?

Follow along with me. I’ve got 9 ways your green smoothie makes you fat… and how you can fix it next time you pull out the blender…
1) You’re choosing the wrong fruits and vegetables

If your green smoothie tastes like heaven in a cup… I’m sorry to say, you’ve probably chosen high sugar fruits…

Which ultimately means, lots of calories.

Here’s the green smoothie “naughty list” that’s adding some unwanted calories into your morning routine…

And ultimately causing you to pack on more poundage than you’d like:

Avocado – although they’re loaded with healthy fats that will keep you full…

Avocados are packed with calories. A single avocado is 322 calories. Even just half an avocado is 161 calories…
I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, Mr. Avocado...

And most folks put way more than a single avocado in their smoothies…

Banana – They give off a sweet and smooth texture, yet they’re packed with sugar…

And will skyrocket your blood glucose levels in minutes…

Which causes inflammation – and raises your cortisol levels… also known as your “fat storing” hormone…

Apart from that, bananas are packed with calories… a large banana can get up to 120 calories.

Add a banana and avocado in a smoothie and you’re already at almost 500 calories! Sure, you’re getting plenty of valuable nutrients…

However, if fat loss is your goal then you’re driving down the wrong lane!


Mango – who else loves some Caribbean fruit in their morning smoothies? I know I love me some mango from time to time…

However, if you’re not careful, just one cup of chopped mango and you’ve already added an extra 100 calories into your smoothie.

Sure, it’s a vibrant and refreshing fruit – yet be on the lookout for the hidden calories…

And the #1 WORST waist-expanding smoothie culprit… Dried Dates.

Just one cup and you’ve already eaten 110 carbs…

And eaten 400 calories. SNAP! (do people still say that?)…

So if you’ve been adding dates into your morning smoothies in the name of “health”, yet you can’t lose those inches around the waist…

It’s time to part ways with the dates (it’s not goodbye.. just see ya later)

Now… let’s get away from the naughty list and move onto the superstar ingredients you’ll want to add into every shake…

Cucumber – Hello only 20 calories and a full gram of fiber!

Cucumbers are very hydrating. And act as a great source to “volumize” your smoothie.

If you’ve ever bitten into a cucumber, you know this fresh piece of produce is packed with water… Giving you MORE substance for less when you blend it up…

Berries – remember those insulin spikes we spoke about with the banana…

Well, berries (raspberries, blueberries) are very low on the glycemic index… meaning, they won’t skyrocket your blood sugar levels…

So you won’t have to worry about that pesky cortisol hormone jumping up and causing you to store fat…

Dark Green Leafy Veggies – Since this article is about “green” smoothies… I know you’re doing this part perfectly!

Because we can’t get green without spinach, kale, and lettuce.

And you should pat yourself on the back because these foods are super-low in calories, high in fiber, packed with phytonutrients, and loaded with vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants…

So with that said… GREAT job. Let’s keep moving. Here are a few other reasons Green Smoothies Make You Fat…

2) It’s too BIG

What I’ve noticed is when it comes to healthy food… we can all lose track of our portions. Why?

Because it’s good for us. Our bodies naturally crave vitamins and minerals that come from these fresh fruits and vegetables…

Yet that doesn’t mean we should try to get all of our nutrients from food…

Especially if you want to maintain a healthy weight.

In fact, it’s nearly impossible to get all of our recommended nutrients from food… unless you want to eat 10,000 – 15,000 calories per day…

For that reason, I recommend adding this extra-green superfood and protein formula into your shake to get as much nutrients in as little calories as possible so you can burn fat and build muscle…

While soaking up quality nutrients that enhance your health and excite your energy levels.

Back to the portion size. We can get carried away with green smoothies these days…

Even going to the nearest “Jamba Juice” or smoothie bar down the road… the portions are insane!

According to Leah Groppo, clinical dietitian at Stanford Health Care, a smoothie should be no more than 8-10 ounces…

Yet most of these smoothie shops promote an average size of 16-24 oz… It’s the classic “super-size me” of the health-food industry…

How can you prevent this from happening to you?

Measure. I know it’s fun to get carried away with the almond milk…

But if your waistline is your priority, 8 oz. will do just fine to keep your smoothie portions under control…

Another tip, “half” everything besides the green ingredients.

Meaning, if you are throwing a full cup of berries in your smoothie… cut it back to half a cup… and so on.

3) Yogurt and Peanut Butter…

Although delicious and full of protein… these two favorite smoothie ingredients are chock full of calories…

In fact, adding both of these ingredients can equal another 200 – 300 calories. After all, just 2 tbsp. of peanut butter and you’re already at 210 calores…

Be sure to check out the nutrition label…

And if you need an alternative, get some PB2… the powdered peanut butter stuff.

You’ll hardly notice the difference, I promise.

4) Bottled Smoothies Are Big Fat LIARS…

It’s true…

Have you ever checked out the back of a Naked Juice smoothie?

The packaging looks promising…

And the Green Machine looks plenty full of your favorite greens, right?

Not so fast…
naked smoothie sugar

These packaged smoothies range from 34 – 55 grams of sugar…

Also known as carbohydrates…

Which spike your blood sugar…

Cause inflammation…

Ramp up cortisol levels…

And pack some extra inches around the belly…

Hmmm… not cool Naked. Not cool.

This is particularly dangerous if you are diabetic, pre-diabetic, or the disease runs in your family…

Which, if you or someone you know suffers from this disease, see how you can reverse diabetes naturally following this Biblically and scientifically proven solution…

Here’s another reason green smoothies make you fat…

5) They Leave You Hangry…

/’hANGgre/: feeling or displaying the need for food via anger or lashing out at your loved ones and co-workers…

Okay… that’s the urban dictionary version… still. You get the gist.

None of us like to be hungry…

Yet with the wrong ingredients, most green smoothies are loaded with sugar and spike your blood sugar…

This leaves you feeling tired and hungry just hours later.

One way you can avoid the hunger pains later in the day is by adding a high-quality and slow digesting protein source into your smoothie…

Here’s the protein we recommend.

Another benefit of added protein… it naturally helps you add lean muscle to your frame… which automatically increases your metabolism.

And get this… protein also acts as a natural fat-burner by increasing thermogenesis…

Basically, it flips the switch on your fat burning hormones so you can burn more calories throughout the day…

Not bad, eh?

6) You’re Drinking It In The Morning…

The longer you hang around this blog, the more you’ll hear about Intermittent Fasting…

And how it is the easiest way to stay lean year round…

And fit in that pair of jeans you love…

Or show off your six-pack on the beach…

Most people, for whatever reason, have the idea that a green smoothie is a morning meal…



It’ll only make you more hungry throughout the day and already tack 300 – 500 calories onto your daily calorie count…

Instead, hold off on the smoothie until noon or 2 pm.

Use this shake to energize your body in the middle of the day.

And if you hold off eating until then entirely, you’ll also increase your body’s #1 anti-aging hormone… growth hormone.

There’s SO many benefits to fasting.

And it makes weight loss feel almost effortless…

Yet more on that in a different article…

So if you want to keep that green smoothie from making you fat… choose a later time in the day to enjoy it.

7) You’re Forgetting The Superfoods…

Have you heard about the fat burning power of special green superfoods yet?

No? Check these out…

Spirulina is a potent fat burning green superfood that’s loaded with antioxidants and proven to boost your immune system for optimal health…

So if you work as a grade school teacher and surrounded by germs all day… this is for you.

That’s not all…

Have you heard of chlorella?

It’s another fat-burning superfood also shown to lower cholesterol levels while improving and stabilizing blood sugar levels…

And one more for good measure…

Wheat grass – proven to reduce fat cells and fire up your immunity.

Often, most people keep these powerful superfoods out of their green smoothies… yet these are the BEST green ingredients you can add to make any green smoothie…

So if you don’t already have these superfoods in your smoothie… now is your chance to try it out. Here’s a Free Sample of the American Natural Superfood Protein ‘N Greens for visiting this article…

8) You’re Not Adding Fat Burning Spices…

This one is more of a “missed opportunity”…

Because if you’re not adding in herbs and spices to your green smoothie then you’re passing up on some vital fat-loss “game-changers”…

Here’s a few I recommend…

Cinnamon – proven to lower blood sugar levels and fight inflammation

Turmeric – Fights inflammation and lowers fat-storing cortisol levels

Aloe Vera – a “miracle plant” that helps regulate the digestive system and detoxify your body

Ginger – Adds a fresh punch to your shake while lowering blood sugar levels to help you maintain consistent energy levels and ward off those risky food cravings and hunger pains…

9) Where’s the protein?

We’ve touched on the word a few times…

Yet here’s why protein is vital to your green smoothie success…

For one, it’ll keep you full, longer…

You’ll also repair your muscles so you can build a lean and hard body instead of struggling with a skinny fat frame…

While boosting your metabolism thanks to the lean muscle mass…

Which keeps you strong, fit, and healthy…

And allows you to eat MORE food without the repercussions of someone who has less muscle and therefore burns less calories throughout the day…

So make sure you get your protein into your green smoothies asap.

Hmmm… anything else I can think of?

I think that’ll finish off the list.

Hope you got something out of this.

Those green smoothies, although healthy, can be harmful to the waistline.

However, if you follow the tips above, you’ll maximize both your health and your appearance…

Because at the end of the day we want to look good and feel great!

Here's a good example of a green smoothie that's good for you :

8 oz. unsweetened almond milk
1 handful frozen spinach
1 handful kale
½ cucumber
1/2 cup of berries
1 serving superfood protein
a few ice cubes