L-Carnitine and Insulin for Fat Loss


Musclechemistry Board Certified Member

L-carnitine is an amino acid that is vital to oxidation of fatty acids via transporting them across the mitochondrial membrane into the matrix where they can be burned for fuel. The problem is L-carnitine isn't well absorbed orally, and even injectable carnitine doesn't really elevate cellular concentrations. Enter insulin.

Carnitine uses an active transporter called OCTN2 to bring it across cell membranes. Insulin activates the Na/K ATPase pump which facilitates pumping Na+ ions into cells and K+ out. OCTN2 has an affinity for Na+ and it can bind to Na and then carnitine and be carried into the cell via the Na/K ATPase pump. Researchers showed that spiking insulin via glucose while taking carnitine was able to increase muscle carnitine levels by 13% vs 0.1% without. Of course, you can stimulate insulin without carbs via injecting a small amount, 1-2IU with your carnitine to ensure maximum muscle carnitine levels.

This protocol has been used by many top IFBB pros I've spoken to for precontest fat loss, i.e. Fasted cardio. 1-2IU will not make you go hypo while fasted Bc it will release your liver glycogen first. If you're not getting any results from using carnitine either orally or injectable, you might want to try looking into this.
I remember some of the real jacked guys in the gym when I was just starting out, and my asking them what they use and many proclaimed this, and amino acids supplementation in general. I always thought they were full of shit. They weren’t!

When you get more experienced in bodybuilding and muscle maturity so to speak, and have used everything under the sun 10 times over, sometimes you find out that little things like this are overlooked and are what make that difference in your body running like a fine oiled machine!! NO BS!

Thank you brutha