Gut Health for Gains


Musclechemistry Board Certified Member

Gut health is something that is becoming a more and more prevalent area of research, specifically for obesity, immune system, and depression. It's estimated that 80-90% of your body's serotonin is produced in your microbiome, which can affect things like hunger, digestion and mood. With all the artificial sweeteners in the supps we take, especially sucralose that alter your good:bad bacteria ratio it’s important to take care of your microbiome. There's a lot of great research showing how "good" bacteria in your gut can affect fat loss and obesity. For example, there are studies in mice where fecal matter, containing your gut flora, from a thin mouse was transported into the gut of an obese mouse. The obese mouse's gut flora changed to the leaner mouse and lost body fat and was no longer obese! There are so many health benefits for taking a probiotic, but this one Elixa is a mini 6-day treatment that contains 50B CFU per serving of good bacteria to help not only clear out bad bacteria, but also allow more good bacteria to flourish in our gut. This is meant to be taken 6 consecutive days, following a course of antibiotics or fast food/artificial sweetener use. I'm currently trying out Elixa and then I will go back to my normal probiotic. Look for a probiotic that has microencapsulated bacteria, as they are very sensitive to light, heat and pH. Some cheaper probiotics might be dead before they even reach your gut.

I use Pro-X10 by @biotrustnutrition bc it's microencapsulated and it also contains a non-finer prebiotic to help the CFU flourish.
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I've just started Garden Of Life Probiotic 100 billion... I'm only 2 days into it, but I'll let you know how it goes. It has to be refrigerated, too.