Keto diet or meals


New member
Going to start switching my diet over to more keto styled meals. Keeping the carb load before my workout until I fully get used to the diet. Any of y’all have experience with this? How was it?

Team MeccaGear!
My question would be, "Is it safe"?
I've heard it can cause gallstones. Is this true?
You don't hear much from the professionals about their diet and specifically the Keto.
I want to know the real deal about Keto.
I tried it but just can’t get past the lethargic state you’re in. I don’t believe it’s carb craving so much or sugar cravings but the fact that I have a very active lifestyle I just couldn’t handle the low amount of carbohydrates. And with keto is no carbs I believe. I got down to 35gms before I had to stop. This was a while ago tho.

I believe gallstones come from a lactic acid buildup if I’m correct. Maybe I’m thinking about gout

Team MeccaGear!