So there I was, 7 weeks out with a torn hamstring...


New member
Presser and MC came through for me. He got me the IGF that I needed. For those who have been around for any period of time, you know that I call MC IGF my "Miracle in a Bottle". Well, my opinion hasn't changed... in fact, I believe it more now than ever. A week ago I was working hamstrings, 3rd exercise into my workout, stiff legged deadlifts. 4th set, halfway through the set I'm pulling the weight back up, and POP POP POP.... down goes Frasier. I thought I got shot in the back of the leg. I couldn't even walk. We spent the next hour and a half trying to massage, stretch, and get my leg working again. I hobbled to my truck, went home, and went straight to the fridge. One, for my ice pack and two, for my IGF. By time I got on the couch, my leg already started turning a little green/purple. Since the night I injured my leg, I've been pinning IGF religiously, and I'm happy to say that I'm almost walking normal, and by next week, I plan on starting my hamstring training again. I'm just over 6 weeks out... I really don't need any hindrances. A dead leg has killed my cardio, so I feel behind the curve now. So starting this weekend, time to kick it up a notch. I've got a week of no cardio to make up for.
Thanks to Presser and MC for providing such an amazing product! It has taken me from crippled to doing cardio again, in record time.
MC's IGF has done miracles for me, too. Now that I medically need it, it has been a staple for me to keep functioning.
Today I'm walking normal, no more limping, no pain, and last night I trained quads with no discomfort in my hamstring at all. MC IGF... My Miracle in a Bottle!