What Matters The Most!


Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
I’ve learned a lot of lessons in my time bodybuilding, but in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to talk about what I feel is probably the most important of all. This may not be a popular post as it is not about being hardcore BALLS TO THE WALL, but I feel for those that can allow it sink it, it has a large takeaway.
It takes a strong person to navigate the nuances of “fitness”—whether that’s the physical demands of prep, or the mental or emotional battles people deal with when it comes to body image and controlling food. I commend those that can battle those demons and come out on top.
However, what I respect more is strength beyond internal or physical—strength of perspective and humility. Once you’ve been in the game for a while, those physical things become “easy”. But it’s hard to conquer the control those things can have on our ability to truly wrangle and box them away when dealing with the world around us. We become so hyper focused on our internal or physical battle we tend to lose sight of what demands appreciation long term; what allows us to ultimately be the people we are. What allows us to be loved, what gives us reciprocal energy, what can lend itself to be eternal—we lose sight of giving all our positive energy and love to those we cherish.
You will grow old. Your body will age. You will look for that companionship and love in times of struggle. You’ll be affirmed and triumph larger alongside others. We cannot—we SHOULD not—do this along..remember that.
I respect the individual that does great things in this field. But I look up to those that can do those things while carrying the struggles on their back and not allotting it to others—that they can continue to dig deep through all this and uninterruptedly continue to cherish that which truly matters. Don’t lose sight ✌��❤️

Nick Tong