DLB and Rob Bailey - Are they Relevant?


Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
DLB has not been in a bodybuilding contest in years, Run Everything Labs seems to put out good products but they are not burning up the market. If you watch any of their Instagram feeds it seems that they are living large, but for how long?

I don't begrudge anyone for making $$$$ but Flag nor Fail success was all DLB. We all hear the stories about Rob working crazy hours, but in all reality, he would not have had anything to do if not for the success of DLB.

How much longer will they be relevant in the industry.
I was just looking for their old warehouse video to see what screen printing press they used to make their shirts! And funny enough is I thought this exact thing and I'm talking maybe two weeks ago I was thinking this and wondered if they were sponsoring other young athletes to stay relevant!

what made you ask this bro?

And it could be said DLB would not have made the $$$ she has if she hadn't him pushing behind the scene. I'm sure the line of scumbags who wanted to manage and take advantage of her was long .

so what r they up to now
I saw a video online the other day and they have moved to the mountains and moved all of FnF to Montana from PA. It looks they even moved most of the FnF crew with them. I was just thinking that had to cost a lot of money. I was never a huge Rob fan as he comes across as an ass to me. But he may have been the difference between her success or not.
Well if theyre anything like me, then they spend it as fast as they make it! lol,

Im So BROKE I Cant PAY Attention!