Daily Goals are Great!!


Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
These are bite-sized goals that’ll help supplement the bigger picture. Revamping nutrition is often the first hump to tackle with any fitness goal and it can be a daunting. So daunting that people are quick to abandon ship and get frustrated if they don't look like The Rock within 3 months. I work with a lot of guys looking to add size. I'll tell them to think of 2-3 process goals they can achieve daily that will help them hit their larger goal. Some examples: Not skipping breakfast. Making 1-2 protein shakes per day. Eat some freaking carbs, for the love of god.
I'll then tell them to print out a calendar and post it where they'll see it everyday. They’ll write down their process goals so that each day they follow through they can place a checkmark or cross them off on the calendar. The idea is to achieve 90% compliance each week. There's something magical that happens when people are able to see proof that they're nailing their goals. It helps to keep them accountable and on task. And, after awhile, the law of consistency will take over. Granted, they still won't look like The Rock, but it stands to reason they won't look like Screech either.
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Im like this, but with everything! I have a little book I carry in bag every where I go and has my daily Action Steps in it. Im not big on smart phone notes or techy apps for my action steps, but I do use Evernote once in a while, but I love sitting down and writing things in it and crossing off or carrying over items to be done.

So im all for this type of thing especially for your fitness goals, as my wife and I filled up many of notebooks keeping track of our show preps every calorie, and I mean every lmao

Awesome idea to keep notes and goals on everything! Sit down at night and go over what was accomplished that day and then write out the next days goals. It is very motivational in my opinion
I keep nailing daily goals. Progressing slow and steady. Currently working on getting a new job so I can afford a big diet change. I tried eating less then my metiformin gave me the shits. Don't know how metaformen is spelt.