Testosterone Effects on Men


Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
Testosterone Effects on Men

1. Bone Density

<noscript><img class="aligncenter wp-image-45096 " src="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-skeleton.jpg" alt="Broscience Testosterone Effects on Men skeleton" width="431" height="287" srcset="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-skeleton.jpg 500w, <a href="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-skeleton-300x200.jpg" target="_blank">https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-skeleton-300x200.jpg</a> 300w, <a href="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-skeleton-768x512.jpg" target="_blank">https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-skeleton-768x512.jpg</a> 768w" sizes="(max-width: 431px) 100vw, 431px" /></noscript>

We all know that as we age, those bones become weaker. Remember how during your childhood you could fall off your bicycle, then just dust yourself down and climb straight back on again?
Fall off your bike now and chances are something will break!

Testosterone is responsible for ensuring healthy bones. Guys with high T-levels have strong, dense bone mass. Those with low testosterone levels are much weaker, liable to fracture or break easily and ache after serious exercise.6

2. Erection Quality

That amazing member between your legs stands proud when it fills with blood. I’m sure right now it’s not particularly stimulated, but look at a hot woman and hopefully it will react!
Testosterone is not only there for the desire, but also enables that erection to work. By stimulating the production of nitric oxide, the blood vessels dilate and allow your penis to rise majestically to the occasion.

Here’s the important detail.
Guys with high testosterone produce more nitric oxide (which is responsible for opening up those blood vessels). Their erections are hard, firm and long lasting. But with men lacking in testosterone, in the best case scenario it is semi-rigid, and may dissipate quickly. In serious cases it may not work at all.7

3. Body Fat

<noscript><img class="aligncenter wp-image-45103 " src="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-fat.jpg" alt="Broscience Testosterone Effects on Men fat" width="390" height="260" srcset="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-fat.jpg 500w, <a href="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-fat-300x200.jpg" target="_blank">https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-fat-300x200.jpg</a> 300w, <a href="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-fat-768x512.jpg" target="_blank">https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-fat-768x512.jpg</a> 768w" sizes="(max-width: 390px) 100vw, 390px" /></noscript>

Testosterone regulates fat storage and breakdown
. Men with high levels of testosterone find that fat drops easily through watching the diet and exercising.
Get this.
Unfortunately when T-levels are low, guys experience weight gain, especially around the belly area. Equally, once there, low levels of testosterone prevent lipolysis (fat breakdown). Hence the stubborn belly fat will not shift!

4. Libido

As a teenager you had loads of testosterone, and were as horny as a rabbit!
Testosterone is the main driving force behind libido. Guys with high T-levels are ready for bedroom action all hours of the day. Low testosterone means you would rather play video games or watch the football.8
That’s not good for you or your partner!

5. Energy

A healthy diet and exercising regularly all contribute to energy levels. But testosterone drives the brain function which provides the feeling of being energized.
High levels of testosterone makes guys feel awake, stimulated and ready for anything – whether work, the gym or the bedroom.
Low T-levels means lethargy and weakness, with no drive to exercise or seize life by the horns.

6. Fertility

If you are planning on having kids, testosterone is essential. This hormone increases sperm count, semen volume and the fertility of that sperm.9
The bottom line.
High testosterone means fertile sperm and a good chance of having a baby, low testosterone means you could be fighting a losing battle!

7. Increased Muscle Building Potential

<noscript><img class="aligncenter wp-image-45104 size-full" src="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-muscle-mass.jpg" alt="Broscience Testosterone Effects on Men muscle mass" width="500" height="311" srcset="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-muscle-mass.jpg 500w, <a href="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-muscle-mass-300x186.jpg" target="_blank">https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-muscle-mass-300x186.jpg</a> 300w, <a href="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-muscle-mass-768x477.jpg" target="_blank">https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-muscle-mass-768x477.jpg</a> 768w, <a href="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-muscle-mass-1024x636.jpg" target="_blank">https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-muscle-mass-1024x636.jpg</a> 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" /></noscript>

Testosterone is the fuel behind muscle building.

As muscles rebuild and repair through protein synthesis, testosterone powers this process leading to muscle gains. The more testosterone, the faster and stronger muscles build.10
The high testosterone effects on men in building muscle are incredible.
They pile on muscle easily, getting the best results from their workouts. Low testosterone makes it extremely difficult to build any muscle at all.

The scary bit.
In serious cases, very low levels can actually put muscle into a catabolic state – it actually breaks down and muscle mass is lost.

8. Increased Confidence

Confidence may seem a surprising testosterone effects on men, but it’s true.
Testosterone raises serotonin levels, which promotes a feeling of well-being, energy and confidence.
Guys with high levels of testosterone find their serotonin rockets and they are ready to take on the world.
What’s more, as I have mentioned earlier in this testosterone effects on men article, their muscle mass increases and they have the libido of a beast. Why not feel confident!


Low levels of testosterone means lethargy, depression and lack of confidence.

9. Faster Recovery

With the energy and muscle building properties of testosterone, guys who are dedicated to working out need this hormone for their recovery times.
Here’s the deal.
The higher the T-levels, the faster the muscles rebuild, stamina is raised and guys are able to hit the weights again sooner.
Low levels of testosterone means muscles do not repair fast after resistance training, leading to unimpressive results.

10. Mood and Behavior Changes

Testosterone effects on behaviour can be quite serious.
We have already seen in this testosterone effects on men article that testosterone effects the production of serotonin.
But lack of serotonin can cause issues.
This is worrying.

Testosterone deficency means little serotonin production and therefore lethargy. This can lead to feelings of depression.

It has been proved that depression then reduces testosterone levels even further. It’s a terrible cycle! 11
High levels of testosterone leaves guys feeling energized and ready to hit life hard!

11. More Strength

<noscript><img class="aligncenter wp-image-45097 " src="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-strength.jpg" alt="Broscience Testosterone Effects on Men strength" width="420" height="280" srcset="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-strength.jpg 500w, <a href="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-strength-300x200.jpg" target="_blank">https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-strength-300x200.jpg</a> 300w, <a href="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-strength-768x512.jpg" target="_blank">https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-strength-768x512.jpg</a> 768w, <a href="https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-strength-1024x683.jpg" target="_blank">https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Broscience-Testosterone-Effects-on-Men-strength-1024x683.jpg</a> 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 420px) 100vw, 420px" /></noscript>

Testosterone is one of the main factors behind strength. High levels of testosterone means you can hit the weights hard and knock out those extra reps!
Low testosterone makes it difficult to power through any sets at all! Lifting the heavy iron is just a pipe dream.

12. Femininity

I’m guessing you don’t want to look like a girl.
Guys have both testosterone and the female hormone estrogen in their bodies. In effect, testosterone keeps estrogen under control and prevents it from taking hold.
High testosterone means this hormone is the boss! You are all man! But low testosterone can lead to issues.
Let me explain.

If T-levels drop, the testosterone/estrogen balance is disturbed and estrogen can take control. This means that guys with low testosterone
can start developing female traits of belly fat and man-boobs! (gynecomastia).12
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testosterone sure does help with bone density lol, sadly it doesnt do much for girth lol
Weird question but, does any of you guys know anything about "nofap"?
Does jacking off lower test levels?

I've recently read that people loose hair, get depressed etc because of this, due to the raise of prolactin levels. Or does this happen when watching porn?
I'm asking this because...well we all jack off lol.

I've read that after a 1-1½ test levels spike a little bit and then goes back to normal. (not worth it)

I've tried several time to not do it for like 1-2 weeks tbh I don't feel any difference at all.