bed time supp?

I use to love ghb, and it made me ripped and shredded out of my mind plus wife and I use to fuck like wilderbees (whatever they are) lol

right now my doctor prescribed me some pyscotic medine to fall aspleep, its actualy used for head cases like lithium is used for , but he has me take a quarter of a pill and it wipes me out, actualy my doctor has written me scripts for a couple things that werent designed for what he was precribing them to me for, last time he gave me something to fall asleep on i looked it up online and it was actualy made for preventing bed wetting,lmao, yes im serious,lol,
Glutimine & cottage cheese before bed is perfect.
I used a few sample of "I think" IDS
called Lean Dreams...great sleep and the funkiest dreams:)
Was like PCP in my sleep lol,getting some next week at the Classic!!
I have xanax. It is a script but I only take it if I have a few days of very little sleep. My personality is too addictive to get hooked on something else. LOL. I have tried melatonin and it worked a couple days, I have tried tylenol pm and it worked a couple days, the problem is that anything I take within three days has the exact opposite effect except xanax. I can take nyquil and by the fourth day in a row it wires me up. Odd huh?
Hey bro I use Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Somatomax at night. Makes me a little groggy in the morning but after coffee I'm on fucking cloud 9! If you take 2 servings feels like u on ghb (whatever that feels like). ha!