I'm a Mother Fucking Beast! SONG Bodybuilding MUSIC Motivation. Get Some!

I would love to play this in my gym in the AM just to get a reaction (guaranteed) from the little old ladies who are in "excersising" and the bible thumpers going thru the motions and of course the soccer Moms who are dressed in color matching sweats, looking good while they chit chat while doing a set.....yes I have many members who are total wusses....but I couldnt keep the doors open w/o them

I think Survivor is one of those old guys in your gym getting goose bumbs and teary eyed from Neil Diamond. There must be some compound in that Wisconsin cheese you are eating. You better send some of those curds in for a lab test.
Its heavy leg day today so this will be on repeat. I havent trained legs with heavy weight in 10 weeks so this week is going to suck
Only had 45 mins in the gym yesterday and prob only 30 mins to squat and leg press 4 sets each with the last sets heavy. I went to play volleyball after with friends so i had to be able to move around a little lol

Muscles not to sore so maybe next week. Im wanting to train heavy these next 2 weeks before starting cycle
Nope its actually pretty fun with some competition. Get a little cardio and look at women in bikinis jump up and down lol

I'm down with that! lol. Shit i think women should work out at the gym in Bikinis lol,
i woke up this morning with this song in my head..pmsl..i had to laugh..

lmao, i had it blasting in my ear doing legs yesterday! I listen to it from this video here on MC, as I like this mix with the screaming and shit better then the iTunes song they have for download.

Anyone know how to loop a video so i don't have to keep getting my phone off my hip every 3 minutes and start the video over to listen to repeatedly. I just wanna loop it so it keeps playing over and over, any help would be appreciated
Anyone know how to loop a video so i don't have to keep getting my phone off my hip every 3 minutes between exercises and sets and start the video over to listen to repeatedly. I just wanna loop it so it keeps playing over and over, any help would be appreciated
Hell yeah! I listened to this doing legs this morning and crawled out of the gym. As I left I looked around and I considered getting a T-shirt made Picture this:
two guys standing next to each other. One guys normal/average body and the next a large muscular man towering over the first guy with the saying "Cause normal sucks"! hahaha
My second thought was showing the same muscular man squatting a bus with the same saying...the ideas are endless...but I would wear that shit!