Timing insulin w/ IGf


New member
I was pondering the idea of taking insulin with my igf1. This is obviously not a new idea, but the timing of this is something to be looked at. From knowledge of world class athletic competition, I know that many sprinters will use insulin on the day that they run. They do a light warmup followed by 80% lifting for speed about six hours before they run. Then after the workout they take insulin. The reports are that they receive a substantial energy increase from the insulin and a significant nervous system reaction to the lifting. This helps them power through the beginning of the race and still have enough energy to hold the finish. This is frequently done on days that they lift weights and run. And with this idea, I propose that bodybulders and weight trainers could get the same benefit from training lightly in the am and using insulin and IGF1. Then they would train about six hours later and only use insulin post workout. The idea is that the a.m. insulin would extend the halflife of the IGF1 and give a boost in the later workout. Then after the later workout, the insulin would help extend the halflife of the IGF again. Hopefully being able to recieve peaks in the active levels of igf in the blood, pre pm workout and while sleeping. I know that sprinters use insulin this way to help with energy restoration, and they all are very fit with little extra fat. Many f them only use about 3iu's of insulin at a time though. Wondering if anyone else had any ideas?