Endurance athlete wants muscle not weight



As an endurance athlete I thought that D Bol would be cheap and easy but as I gain strength I have un wanted size/weight. I want to get stronger but stay/ become leaner. Primabol? HGH? Thoughts/help!
D*bol woudn't do you much good for permanent gains.

IWhat's you age, hieght, weight, bf %, etc? cycle experience too.

We'be be able to help you out a bit better if we knew.

I'm thinking a nice tren, and prop w/ winny cycle would do your general situation good.
endurance...hmmm well maybe winny and eq as you'll get more blood volume and with more blood volume comes more oxygen correct? I would go with a winny,eq type deal but its hard to say depending upon what sport and ur stats

I think jaywooly juts likes tren,winny,prop,lol, which in my opinion is the best stack out there for size and leanness
I do like that combo. I was putting myself in his shoes and that's what I would do.

Winny a must, press gives good reasoning for the eq
Anadrol is used in medicine for blood disorders such as anemia....it is great at increasing the number of red cells which absorb and transport oxygen. Of course Anadrol does hold water and put on size too, but the red cell formation is very noticeable.